Caribou Gear

Montana Hunter Orange Bill???

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
So what happened to the Montana Hunter Orange Bill proposal. I saw a little blurb about it a couple weeks ago and then nothing. Is it still alive and has not been presented yet, or was it shot down?
hope it fails. no reason to get rid of the orange rule, its safer . especially on public land.
SB 153 was tabled in Senate Fish & Game:$BSIV.ActionQuery?P_BILL_NO1=153&P_BLTP_BILL_TYP_CD=SB&Z_ACTION=Find&P_SESS=20151

SB 154 had a hearing on 2/10 in House FWP but no action have been taken yet.$BSIV.ActionQuery?P_BILL_NO1=154&P_BLTP_BILL_TYP_CD=SB&Z_ACTION=Find&P_SESS=20151
I've never had an issue in Idaho or Arizona with hunter orange not being worn and safety. IMO it should be a personal choice not legislated.
If Montana did move to not make wearing orange a requirement I bet most people would still wear orange.
I read this poem from a hunting widow once, I' m sure many of you have seen it. Dont quote me on it but the widow asks in her poem why we spend hundreds( or thousands cant remember which) on the latest camoflauge patterns only to cover them up with fluorescent orange. I suppose this bill lends credence to and substantiates our thought process in that decision.

On the other hand, I' ve seen enough antics hunting public lands to make me think that orange might not be bright enough.
I wish I didn't feel the NEED to wear the orange sometimes. In certain situations it's a benefit. In most of the areas I hunt I'm pretty much alone. In areas with more hunters, I can't count on them and their awareness. I'd like the choice. mtmuley
I've grown to appreciate how much orange helps me spot and avoid/utilize other hunters in the field. I would have wasted a lot of time and energy on the opener this year had I not spotted hunters in certain areas.
I too would like the choice but I feel that we should be required wear a hat. If it passed I'd probably continue to wear orange but not as much. I'm a big guy so when I wear orange I'm well over the minimum requirement.
It is funny that people think deer see the same as humans. Do some research, these same guys that don't wear orange will probably wash all there clothes with detergents with UV brightners so they look like a beacon to all deer on the mountain. If you don't want hunters or game wardens to see you I don't get that one. To each his own. I have seen enough crazy hunters out that I will be wearing orange every time I go out no matter what the law is.
Ben, I tried using links such as yours on a different subject here in hunt talk and found they do not work as well as copy and paste does not work either. I had to use the PDF for the actual draft version. the link to the PDF was able to work.

on the topic of orange I hope it stays as it is. Enough nutters out there to qualify this as a need for the majority, in my opinion of course.

SB 153 was tabled in Senate Fish & Game:$BSIV.ActionQuery?P_BILL_NO1=153&P_BLTP_BILL_TYP_CD=SB&Z_ACTION=Find&P_SESS=20151

SB 154 had a hearing on 2/10 in House FWP but no action have been taken yet.$BSIV.ActionQuery?P_BILL_NO1=154&P_BLTP_BILL_TYP_CD=SB&Z_ACTION=Find&P_SESS=20151
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It is funny that people think deer see the same as humans. Do some research, these same guys that don't wear orange will probably wash all there clothes with detergents with UV brightners so they look like a beacon to all deer on the mountain. If you don't want hunters or game wardens to see you I don't get that one. To each his own. I have seen enough crazy hunters out that I will be wearing orange every time I go out no matter what the law is.

Scent control and glare off of shiny optics or glasses is more important to stay hidden from a critter than the latest camouflage pattern.
I too would like the choice but I feel that we should be required wear a hat. If it passed I'd probably continue to wear orange but not as much. I'm a big guy so when I wear orange I'm well over the minimum requirement.

I look like the Great Pumpkin walking through the woods in my orange vest :D
I won't miss orange one single bit if the bill passes. I absolutely HATE drawing attention to myself wearing what main as well be a flashing neon sign everywhere I go. On heavily hunted public land I can see the merit in wearing orange, but on private land, in the local grocery store, gas station, restaurant, or any other non-hunting public place, I can't stand seeing, or wearing orange. I don't know if its the coyote hunter in me or what, but I will always prefer stealth over being a fluorescent orange neon sign.
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