Met a generous Hunttalk member today!

Dave N

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
Had the opportunity to meet a fellow member and his family today on their way home from a hunting trip. Originally we were going to have them here at our house but they were pressed for time so I hit the road and met them at a convenient spot for both of us.

I'll let him decide if he wants to be identified since I didn't ask. Anyway, I was given half of the elk he killed! Lots of bagged packages mostly cleaned up already. We chatted for a bit and because they needed to get home went our separate ways. When I got home I brought the coolers in to show the wife what we had. Big smiles! Especially when I found a package that said backstrap! He let us have some of the good stuff and not just the front and rear quarters that he told me about. Can't say thank you enough to him and his family. I think the kids were happy with the cookies!

Now I have to finish processing and get it packaged, but not before we have some for dinner tomorrow! Sure will help fill up the freezer when added to the deer I have already. Thanks again, and have a safe trip home from here.
That is Awesome!! Very thoughtful act indeed. Thanks for sharing, it's always nice to see acts like this in the crazy world today. Even better when it's in our hunting community! 🍻