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McCloskey's AR-15 confiscated by police

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Whose gate got kicked down, and whose lives were threatened? I think you may be confusing community property with personal property. The gate was for the neighborhood, not their yard. It is an important distinction. If they try that argument, they will lose.
It was and is PRIVATE property.
Correct, I'm saying the castle doctrine in Missouri provides for deadly forces against a reasonable threat. It doesn't provide for brandishing as a means of protecting your property.

I watched the video... I think they were a long way from direct and imminent threat.

Very possible that they did not commit a crime, but I can see why charges were filed.

They should have had weapons holstered or carried in a more reasonable manner.

I mean come on how many times/threads are there that we rip people for poor muzzle control and weapons handling in movies, tv shows, and hunt shows.

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If you are going to own firearms you need to be calm and collected.

These folks are shooting holes in the boat.
I went and watched the video. That's an un-intentional discharge waiting to happen. Also a lot of house to defend with a Jimenez JA Automatic.

How we handle ourselves and our weapons is as important as whether we post Cecil the Lion grip and grins. Rights and competency are very different things. There are people with cameras waiting for us of F it up.
At which point we too will be the subject of a thousand posts on a thousand forums.

Our northern friends can refresh our memory of Canadian farmer Gerald Stanley, who killed a First Nations youth when his shotgun, "just went off" when he was confronting youths on his property. He was acquitted, but the verdict did not move race relations forward in Canada, that's for sure.
What is the purpose of arguments like this? It's clear there are two sides and no minds are going to be changed. Just another chit show.

I hope I am changing people's minds. At the beginning of this discussion several people were under the impression that:
  1. this event happened on public property
  2. the police were seconds away from clearing up the situation
  3. the homeowners have been charged with a crime
  4. the homeowners were not in fear for their lives
All of these have been refuted, perhaps not to everyone's satisfaction, but I presented evidence in the form of photos and quotes and I still believe that whether anyone admits it or not, they have changed their view of what happened and is happening.
I’m not sure what crime he may have committed with the AR?
The wife certainly may have committed one with her handgun. She was actually ‘brandishing’ a firearm. She was pointing it toward people and had her finger on the trigger. From my understanding, life and safety has to be in imminent danger to do this. A solid case that her’s wasn’t could definitely be made.
Dressing like a dweeb and holding a rifle on your own property while yelling at trespassers is not against the law. Unless he did something off video, I’m not sure what he could be charged with or investigated for.
Either way, this is just circular dem cannibalism and it’s funny.
The good news is they've received over 1500 offers of free replacement shields as of yesterday.
What is the purpose of arguments like this? It's clear there are two sides and no minds are going to be changed. Just another chit show.
I think if it prevents one of our brethren HTers from becoming the subject of an incident like this in the future, it has value.
We had protests again yesterday here in Podunk, ID. How we as individuals respond to these things is relevant.

I agree that this thread has a snowball's chance of changing anyone's politics.
What is the purpose of arguments like this? It's clear there are two sides and no minds are going to be changed. Just another chit show.

Me logging back on hunt talk for the first time the other day-


Same handful of assholes every single time.
You don’t have to be charged with a crime in order to seize evidence.

I get that, but I hardly think the crucial factor in deciding any potential case will be the physical evidence. It smacks of politically motivated shenanigans by the DA.

To me, the confiscation is another case of violating the Constitutional rights that should be held as sacrosanct. They were exercising their 2A rights in exactly the way the 2nd Amendment was intended and then had them confiscated for political reasons. If that doesn't upset you, I guess I won't begrudge you your flippant attitude, but it upsets me.
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