Caribou Gear

McCloskey's AR-15 confiscated by police

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"McCloskey highlighted that, along with the threats, members of the crowd were wearing body armor, carrying loaded magazines for weapons, and saying things like 'you’re next.'"

Our local rag that covered protests in NorCal always stated that there was "bullet-proof vests and body armor" everywhere among the protesters. That's until it was pointed out to her that the stuff she was so enamored with taking pics of was being sold at the local malls as "fashion". And they were carrying loaded magazines? Ah okkkk? What were they going to throw them at the lawyers? Just saying, give the media time and they will incite the riots all by themselves....the courts will clear this all up, or not, and either way the $$ for such will eventually come out of all our pockets yet again.

With how much this forum has blown up, I couldn't wait till lunchtime to actually review the video myself. After viewing it myself and being able to process my own opinions on it for a few minutes, I have a few comments to add.

Based on just the portion of videos I was able to view, The husband IMO did nothing to break any laws and was simply exercising his 2A right to hold a firearm. When I was in college, there was a local group that once a month would get together and exercise their 2A rights by doing a walk where they would open carry firearms down the street. Most of them would walk with pistols in open exposed holsters or a hunting rifle on a sling over their shoulder. The husband here is doing nothing different than that, protesters on his property or not. He never displayed aggression and although its hard to hear from the videos, I don't believe he made any overly aggressive statements to the trespassers. Therefore, there is no justified reason for a law enforcement agency to seize and hold his firearm. This is beyond the 2A argument as it didn't matter what he was holding. It could have been a Teddy Bear. There is no justified reason to take that possession as "evidence".

The wife however is a totally different story. If she stayed calm and remained on the porch as a visible threat to the protesters like her husband, she would have been fine. Even with the gun being handled in such a poor, unsafe way, I still would stand by she did nothing wrong given the situation. However, the minute she left the porch and engaged with a specific protester and got aggressive, I feel she definitely crossed the line of exercising her 2A right and moved into a potential crime offence because she was no longer concerned about protecting her life and instead concerned about showing dominance and forcing the issue to escalate.

I would have much rather seen this video play out with just both of them sitting calmly on their porch watching the protesters pass on by as they head to the mayors house. They weren't there to endanger this couple and they just happened to be in their destructive path to the mayors house. It would have played out much better for both them as well as in the media and their view (along with how the viewers view the stories written) on guns and the 2A.
I guess some people dont trust the police to properly investigate and prosecute a crime, nor the judicial system to up hold the law and either convict or Exonerate the individuals? Seems like plenty of people here that might finding themselves commiserating with Black Americans that have the same worries and feelings
Criticize the couple if you want but in the end they are still alive and their property is not damaged. I believe that is what they were concerned with in the heat of those moments.
Amazes me how people who have never been put in that situation meaning having dozens of angry mobsters approaching their property making threats want to judge them and say how differently they should have handled it.
They were scared as they should have been.
I fully believe there would have been a different outcome had they not had guns.

Based on some of these comments, some of you will be the first ones snuffed out if things get Western. Do you really think you can be diplomatic and politicly correct with thugs?
The 2a is standing between us and
1. Total lawlessness and anarchy.
2. Tyranny
They should have known this was coming, guns should of been stashed in a wall,vent, attic, etc.
Based on some of these comments, some of you will be the first ones snuffed out if things get Western. Do you really think you can be diplomatic and politicly correct with thugs?
The 2a is standing between us and
1. Total lawlessness and anarchy.
2. Tyranny
Yur funny. You have zero idea what you're talking about, but I bet you feel like a helluva badass.

Our collective will to abide by laws and our believe in the justice system are what keeps tyranny at bay.
It was and is PRIVATE property.
The subdivision might be private, but that is different than their own personal property.

Let's say you were a member of a private rifle club, and a group of kids knocked down the gate, came in and started using the range. Do you have the right to point your gun at those kids, with the position that you are defending private property?
The Dede cause opened my eyes to limitations of the castle doctrine.

Was just thinking about that. Castle doctrine/stand-your-ground seems very murky and you'd have to prove you were REALLY under threat to shoot someone in your house. Also seems like someone could easily spin a narrative to make it look like you overreacted, or vice versa.

I remember a few years ago story where a guy parked illegally, went into a store while his wife sat in his car. Guy pulls up and confronts the woman. Husband sees the confrontation and pushes the guy (defends family). Guy pulls gun and husband tries to get back. Guy shoots him dead. Made me sick. Guy got 20 years for manslaughter. Without the video from the convenience store I'm not sure they could have convicted him. I imagine the Zimmerman/Martin incident was similar but not enough evidence to convict.

Folks need to realize the consequences of using lethal force. (And brandishing is threat of lethal force IMO since cops can and should shoot you for pointing a gun at them). Easy for me to judge since I have the ability to move to safer neighborhoods. But I do worry people who live in high crime areas are going to be left with fewer options, especially if we are really serious about reducing police presence.
What is the purpose of arguments like this? It's clear there are two sides and no minds are going to be changed. Just another chit show.
No closed minds will be changed, but believe it or not, the majority of folks actually have open minds and might be interested in learning more so they can draw their own conclusions. I've learned quite a few things from this thread, and the other before it, on this topic. Going into discussions like this with a closed mind is a complete waste of time and I don't honestly know why people do it.
So why would the Mayor issue orders to the police to stand down in the face of a marching mob? Could it be to help fan the flames of the national movement after a law abiding Citizen exercises their Right to self defense and protection of life and property? Do you believe that's beneath them? :unsure: Another thing if you still believe in Our system of justice today I don't know what to tell you.
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