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Mayweather - McGregor fight


Jan 18, 2005
Who ya got ? I know McGregor has a punchers chance with that left hand of his but 49 champions and boxers have tried to take Floyd out and failed. Should Connor win I will be shocked ! In an MMA fight Connor all day but just pure boxing I have to go with Mayweather.
Unless the thing is rigged ain't no MMA fighter on the planet that can beat a pure boxer in his prime or close to his prime. Maybe some average fighter past his prime but it won't happen this fight.
If McGregor could stay in it till the last round, I wish the rules would go MMA. Nobody needs an ass beating like Floyd does. mtmuley
I'm really hoping for McGregor to win, though I wouldn't bet on it. That way if Mayweather wants a rematch to take his belt back McGregor can say 'only if we fight MMA rules.' Then we'd see a true beating.
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The match is nothing but a money making scheme for both of them. Watching them on the stage for all the hype yelling at each other reminds me of the same type of garbage before all those idiotic wrestling matches. I think a lot of people know this will not be a real fight because mayweather would never put his unbeaten record in jeopardy and that is why tickest are not selling very fast. Also they are very much overpriced.
Mayweather, but only because of the rules as they are now. McGregor's only chance is to get in close, throw a few forearms/elbows and keep him pinned against the ropes.
Like GrtB says. Just a money making venture.
Mayweather. This is his venue and you don't stay undefeated by being average, I hope McGregor lays some licks on him and knocks a few teeth out, but I think Mayweather's defense outweighs McGregor's offense in this venue. On the same token I really, really hope McGregor loses his mind and temper when Mayweather is running around and drops a few kicks or does a take down or two to prove that if it were a different ring, Mayweather would be toast.
I was a big fan of boxing during the 70's and 80's, especially fly through middleweight. Today's game makes me want to cry and puke at the same time.
I was a big fan of boxing during the 70's and 80's, especially fly through middleweight. Today's game makes me want to cry and puke at the same time.
Ditto. I boxed at one time.
I don't know what the stuff that goes for sports these days is.
Boxer wins with boxing rules. MMA wins with MMA rules. Both are very good at their trade. The boxer will win by dancing for a couple of rounds so the MMA fighter has time to do something to be disqualified or the MMA fighter has tired a bit so less chance lands a haymaker. I will not even watch this exhibition live as the entertainment ends when the bell sounds.
I hope McGregor will win, and my only hope is thinking back to me saying once, "Buster Douglas who? No way he could beat Iron Mike", the "Holly who, no way she could beat Rousey". Yea, I know I comparing apples to oranges, but they all go down at some point. Maybe this will Floyd's time to go down. Wishful thinking maybe.
Mayweather is too fast and too skilled. I don't really care for him but he is 49-0 so he must be fairly good at his craft. If McGregor can go the distance in the fight I think it will be looked at as a victory for him.
If by some miracle the rematch is in the octagon McGregor will tear him apart. But I don't ever see that happening.
McGregor doesn't stand a chance. Mayweather is just too good of a boxer. No I cannot stand his style but he's still very good and you have to give him credit for that. It might take Mayweather a few rounds to get going because he's been away from the ring for a couple years, but he will still win. I think he's going to spank McGregor until he stops him!
MMA fighters and real boxers are all tough sons of bitches but trying to compare MMA fighters to boxers is like comparing an Olympic Weightlifter like Pocket Hercules to the guy doing curls in front of the mirror at Golds Gym, no comparison.
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