Lyme Vaccine

Ticks in my area have been worse this season than I can remember. And I have friends who have struggled with after effects of Lyme disease for years. I would seriously consider it.
1000000000000000% on board with this. My wife had Lyme disease when she was my girlfriend and it was so bad she had to go to the hospital everyday for 2 weeks for antibiotic treatment.
My brother had Lyme years ago and it sucked, I've been treated for it (the antibiotics and side effects themselves suck), and Lyme is endemic here in IA, I, yes this would be great!

Also interesting that there already was a vaccine with efficacy decades ago that was apparently killed off by rumor and not data (if reading article correctly)...I never knew that.

No matter what, let's hope for a successful phase 3!
I live in the Lyme capitol of the planet. An effective Lyme vaccine would be fantastic.

The previous one that had come out in the 90s had all sorts of issues so it was discontinued. Hopefully this one gets the job done without side effects.
The “side effects” were false claims in the early days of the antivax movement- they were looking for a lesser known, somewhat obscure vaccine to target that they could reduce the usage of to the point where it became unprofitable and then discontinued- at which point they could claim a win. It worked. More reading below-

But I think the explosion of Lyme's in the northeast, and STARI in the south, has reached a point where we need to seriously consider bringing this back as a public health measure. Just might have to rebrand it to avoid that bad press.

The only problem I have with vaccine is that it’s only 80% affective against preventing Lyme disease infection. Would much rather see that around 99%.
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My wife still suffers from Lyme, 16 years later. She had a port installed for 3 years as I was feeding her IVs for 4 straight years. She had ehrlichiosis, babesiosis and Lyme. The trifecta. She went undiagnosed for 6 months which was to her detriment. I had to take her to the Mayo as the infectious disease doctors in Boise didn’t know how to read the blood work and kept telling her she was just depressed. Duh, I am depressed because I am F#$*ing sick! She finally found one of the world leaders in Lyme treatment, that brought her back to a little more functional life. It’s probably the most neglected disease by the medical community and millions suffer from it.

Her bite had no signs of being a tick bite and no tick was found on her.
My wife still suffers from Lyme, 16 years later. She had a port installed for 3 years as I was feeding her IVs for 4 straight years. She had ehrlichiosis, babesiosis and Lyme. The trifecta. She went undiagnosed for 6 months which was to her detriment. I had to take her to the Mayo as the infectious disease doctors in Boise didn’t know how to read the blood work and kept telling her she was just depressed. Duh, I am depressed because I am F#$*ing sick! She finally found one of the world leaders in Lyme treatment, that brought her back to a little more functional life. It’s probably the most neglected disease by the medical community and millions suffer from it.

Her bite had no signs of being a tick bite and no tick was found on her.
Wow, that's awful. Was she infected in Idaho?
I can’t remember if it was Lyme or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever but my stepdads grandfather basically died of it. It was just one health complication after another after getting it.

Assuming that you can’t get Lyme after taking 4 shots of this like you can with the covid “vaccine” I’d be first in line for this.
Wow, that's awful. Was she infected in Idaho?
Yep. At the time the doctors said there is no Lyme in Idaho. It was the theme for many years in many western states.

Her Dr was pretty certain she was already infected with Lyme, but then was bitten by a tick that carried the other 2.

The illness changed her life dramatically. Never know how she is going to feel from hour to hour and has had multiple other issues arise throughout the years from this.
Not sure if it'll see the same use rate as COVID did, but for many people out there I have to think this is great news.
Lived in Lyme CT and contracted it twice, fortunately before the docs knew what it was they put me on antibiotics the first time and by the second time it had a name. I was in the first trial of the old vaccine which worked by killing the virus while in the tick before it was transferred, apparently it takes 24 hours before live virus gets in your system. Had many friends get it much worse, several were on iv antibiotics for months.Never had a bad reaction to the vaccine, but the efficacy was in the low 50% range so it was pulled.really hope it works!!
My wife still suffers from Lyme, 16 years later. She had a port installed for 3 years as I was feeding her IVs for 4 straight years. She had ehrlichiosis, babesiosis and Lyme. The trifecta. She went undiagnosed for 6 months which was to her detriment. I had to take her to the Mayo as the infectious disease doctors in Boise didn’t know how to read the blood work and kept telling her she was just depressed. Duh, I am depressed because I am F#$*ing sick! She finally found one of the world leaders in Lyme treatment, that brought her back to a little more functional life. It’s probably the most neglected disease by the medical community and millions suffer from it.

Her bite had no signs of being a tick bite and no tick was found on her.
A friends daughter had the same terrible journey. It’s an incredibly dangerous malady. I hope your wife is doing well.
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