PEAX Equipment

Knifes..What do you use?

I have always carried a Buck 5" fixed blade and one of those wyoming Skinners (which works great). This season my father picked up one of those new swing blades and I was very impressed, good handle and steel and very sharp.
I use Victorinox paring knives for just about everything. 4 inch blade very flexible and cheap. Hold edge for a pretty good while.
Havalon has been a great knife after getting familiar with what it will do and won't. Works great for everything you will need other that trying to split the brisket it you just want to gut something quick. Best of all you can have a new edge in about 3 sec.
I have been using Forschner knives this past season. They are inexpensive, I got two off of ebay for less than 8 bucks shipped (ex butcher knives). They aren't pretty, but they get the job done and they are extremely sharp and easy to keep sharp. If you end up losing one in the field, then no big deal.
My carry knife is a Mora knife. Made in Sweden, cheap, but very sharp. I also use Forschner knives, boning & skinning.
I use havalon knives. They are light and easy to carry and only takes a few seconds to change the scalpel blades.You do have to remember its not a saw. the blades will break if you abuse them.
My hunting knives are a couple of different Gerbers.
I have a Gerber LMF II for a camp/survival knife. It's big, bad, and is better than any K-bar you could find.
EDC is a Manix 2 Spyderco
Pack fixed blade is a Keith Murr, Charlie Mays Noxubee, or a Swamprat Bog Dog.
Anybody else have a Cutco? Picked one up about 3 years ago and just this fall sent it in to get sharpened, after 4 elk and 3 deer. EXTREMELY sharp. I have a fold up Buck as a backup that I really like also.
I generally have at least 3 knives in my being a victorianox, the other being a forschner boning knife, and maybe a dozen #22 blades along with a scalpel. In a pinch, I can break an elk down with just the scalpel, been there done that. The victorianox probably gets the most use as an all-around knife and for boning, almost exclusively the forschner. Those 3 items don't weigh even close to a pound and you're in the knife business for everything you'd need to do while hunting.

Trouble is though, they're just tools with no aesthetic value what-so-ever.

On special hunts I break out a pair of knives that my Dad bought me. A good friend builds them, and they're beautiful knives, both in appearance and function. About as good as it gets for knives.


Those knives being used to cape a record book sheep, shot with a pre-64, on a DIY doesnt get any more classy than that...period.

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Very cool Buzz. Nice knives and gorgeous sheep.

Back on topic, I use a Piranta for caping and a plastic handled utility/paring knife for boning.
Cabelas Outfitters series 4.5in serated blade with a gut hook works great for all big game and have a outdoor edge folding fillet knife works grear for boning and birds
I've used a Buck 110 for over 25 yrs now. Broke off the tip one time on a backbone. Buck replaced the blade free, no questions asked !
I've always used my Buck folding knife but for Christmas I got a Havalon.. I've witnessed Randy using them and that sold me. I've seen him skin and bone out a bear and an elk using only 1 blade per animal. I was impressed.
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