Kidnap attempt along the NM border

It never has been a safe place, but it has just gotten worse and worse. The last eight years has made life almost unbearable for some places on the border. It is pathetic that a country will not protect its own borders.

I spent 22 years in the Border Patrol and told my father-in-law one time that this out-of-control border was going to bite us in the ass. That was over 30 years ago. We were the only ones that could see what was happening back then. Fortunately, now it is at least in the news, but it has been allowed to get out of control due to misguided politics.
How many of you guys have been to Presidio...or driven the river road from Presidio to Lajitas? Once was enough for me.
I rarely go below I-10 anymore. Know ranchers who are in daily battle.
Saw some very hinky stuff when I did property checks for realtors in the bootheel.
It has been allowed to become a war zone and anybody that ventures down there without being well-armed is a fool.

Sounds like Chicago! Only you have to be a criminal to carry a gun in Chicago. At least you can go well-armed along the border.

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