Kid carriers


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2015
I’m in the market for backpack to haul my son around and was curious what the HT crew recommends. Before I started my research, it seemed like the Osprey poco was the way to go but I’m not completely sold on it yet. I’ve been comparing the Osprey, Deuter kid comfort 3, and Kelty perfect fit elite. The decision gets a little more complicated as I can get discounts on the Kelty and Deuter, with Deuter offering the deepest discount. I’m hoping to be able to try test them out in the store at the end of the month but I was curious what everyone’s thoughts were. If all goes as planned he’s going to spend a lot of time in it this summer so I want something that’s going to be comfortable for both of us. Thanks!
I've heard good things about the osprey but I always though they looked like they may be hot for the kids because the fabric kinda wraps around their legs. We went with the kelty and liked it. We always felt the frame left us some options for taking things like tent, pads or duffels along if necessary. We never used it overnight but I believe it could have effectively. It usually carried fishing poles and tackle bags attached to the frame. The osprey looks like it could be a bit more comfortable maybe, if day hiking is your thing.
We used the deuter for several years and really liked it. We got a great deal on it at the time.
We used a cheap used Kelty that worked good. It was nice having the little daypack feature on the back of it to haul diapers, binkys, wipes, snacks etc.
Fire, when are you needing it? we have the kelty one I would sell you real cheap if you are ever in helena or if I make it to bozeman. My 2 1/2 year old is almost grown out of it, shes becoming a heck of a load.
Fire, when are you needing it? we have the kelty one I would sell you real cheap if you are ever in helena or if I make it to bozeman. My 2 1/2 year old is almost grown out of it, shes becoming a heck of a load.

I will definitely keep you in mind. I’m not in a big hurry for it. I think I’m going to be able to test the out next week so I will keep you posted
I have an Osprey and used it for many hikes and I love it. My daughter was comfortable and she falls asleep most of the time lol. Sun shade is nice for them as well.
Thanks for the recommendations. The in laws ended up sending us an osprey so I didn’t get any say in the matter but it seems pretty nice. My one gripe with it so far is the shoulder straps. Would be nice if you were able to loosen them up to put their arms through the straps and then tighten them back up. I’ve got it figured out a little better now but my son was not happy the first couple times I put him in there. Overall it seems like a great pack though

We Love the Osprey!!! I have taken my daughter out in it ever since she was only a few months old. I usually plan a scouting trip around her nap time hahah!! She seems to enjoy it as well.

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