ketchup/catsup on steaks

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
From time to time I prepare a nice wild game steak for company. Sometimes I am rewarded by having to watch the consumer smother the meat with ketchup. I could have grilled a shoe if ketchup is what they wanted to taste.
Over the years I have almost completely quit using the condiment-whether for venison, beef or other-steaks, burgers or other.
Is ketchup acceptable on your meats?
I always say: "Ketchup is for potatoes. French fries and tater tots. That's about it."

I can't even stand to see it on a hot dog. Mustard, sure, but not ketchup. We don't use steak sauce or anything like it for about 95% of our meats.
For some reason I throw it on leftover streaks heated up several days after grilling it. I never use it on a fresh cooked streak though.
If I over cook them, they get a healthy dose of Bulls-eye, otherwise I always eat them alone.
Meatloaf... hell ya! My wife makes a mean elk/venison meatloaf... and the top is coated with a good dose of some ketchsup / other spice mix...

Fantastic... as for other deals... I may have ketchup on my burgers... though steaks - no. IMO, condiments, used sparingly, "can" compliment the meat... Meatloaf... heck, smother it and the meat of the loaf still has it's fantastic flavor.

I empathize with ya though as I have made a great steak only to see a friend smother it in A-1 steak sauce... To me, a sampling of A-1 or some other is fine though when the question arises... "would you like some meat with that A-1" well... I suppose to each his/her own... whatever floats their boat.
I'm with the lil bro above, if it gets overcooked it'll get some heinz 57. If done right it's perfect as is.
My Dad woulda slapped us silly for putting ketchup on a steak. One time my brother did that, and he got a hamburger patty when the rest of of us were eating steak for a loooong time.

My Dad also got irate if we used BBQ sauce to dip our fries in - it was much too expensive for that! Use ketchup, he'd holler. :)
I use it on fries hashbrowns and with tobasco on eggs. I never use it on meat.
Never seen anyone put it on steak;thank God.I do have a step daughter that puts it on everything including green beans.As long as she eats them I don't care
Only time I remember using ketchup for meat (other than burgers) was when we were growing up and dad cooked liver and onions that we had to eat. Only way we could choke it down when we were young. Had we known how good it really is.... But, times change.
No ketchup on steak here. Meatloaf or burgers but not the real deal. I would be ashamed to go to someone else's house and put ketchup on a steak. Just lookin' for an azz kickin'!