Kenetrek Experience


New member
Nov 18, 2012
I have read varying opinions on Kenetreks here on this forum. So, last fall while I was out in DigMeTown (aka Bozeman), land of the Bro Dudes where your outdoorsman status is measured in Yeti points (one point each for hat, sticker, cooler, tumbler, etc) I decided to visit the Kenetrek showroom. A very nice gal helped fit me to a pair of boots. She sold me on a size larger than I normally wear, stuffed in an extra pair of insoles and assured me they would work out just great. Conventional wisdom dictates 50 miles to break in the mythical Kenetrek, at which time you will also have been transformed into a more worthy hunter. After 30-35 miles of misery I considered giving up hunting since it was clear there was no hope of comfort in those dang boots much less and epiphany with my elk calling. They were simply too big and my foot was slopping around more than a worm fisherman on the Madison.

So, I made the dreaded customer service call to Kenetrek. Huh, no problem. Just ship 'em back, sacrifice fifty bucks for a "wear fee" (what? I wasn't renting them) and they exchanged them for the correct size. While waiting for them to arrive I convinced myself I would hate the new boots as well and considered swapping for a pair of Muck Boots and a pitchfork suitable for digging worms out behind the barn. Well, let me tell you something. The new boots arrived and they made a pretty nifty home for 'ol Lefty and Righty. Fit right in there. I did a couple of three miles walks with the Missus and they felt great. This morning I decided to wear them up the hill where I do my therapy sessions with my two bird dogs and an over active imagination. Tugged on the Darn Toughs, dropped a scoop of Blister Shield into each sock and laced em up. Three miles and a thousand feet of elevation. That's about the best I can do locally here in NH where my red neck, Bud slurping neighbors think a Yeti is merely a distant, misunderstood, out of work cousin out tending his pot plants somewhere in the Northwest. They don't call it the Granite State for nuthin'. Cause that mountain is really just one giant rock. It rained last night and them rocks can get a bit slick when wet. Little did I expect the Kenetreks to double as dancing shoes. But that's what they did. Those lug soles are almost as hard as the rock and I slick danced my way down the hill this morning. Seemed oddly appropriate considering the ever present twang of banjo music wafting through the woods around here. The dogs love the new routine, although they haven't work out all of the moves just yet. But my feet were happy and the boots fit great.

Yep, the Kenetreks are keepers. Rugged as my cousin Nancy and comfy as the bow seat of a drift boat. I'm a believer. Now I'm off to discover my sure to be improved elk calling.....
Glad you like your boots....But dang Man, you've got a way with words!

Very well written write up!

I had a pair of Zamberlans sitting in my garage when i got home today, We shall see.

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