Caribou Gear Tarp

illegals don`t hunt? [remember that argument]

JoseCuervo, I do believe you are getting living in the US mixed up with going on a guided hunt in Argentina? BIG difference. If they want to come over here and go on a guided hunt then its their job and the outfitters job to educate them to the regs or send a guide that can speak multi languages. If they want to come over here and free lance hunt then its THEIR responsibility to learn the regs and if it calls for it, learn to speak the countrys primary language. English..... Notice I did not say "official" Don't want anyone to think that the US's "official" language is english... So when you go to Argentina does everyone speak english? Are the regs in english and if so did Argentina mandate that the regs are in multi language? If so did they pay for it or make the citizens pay for that to take place? Lets handle the issue at hand... A US state making the people of the US pay for regs to be printed in spanish for people who if they were legal citizens would know how to read and speak english. Oh by the way I have a very good friend that just got his citizenship... Guess what one of the tests was? English speaking and reading... Funny how that works huh...
Just got back from fishing and need to clarify for Tone that I do not employ illegal aliens. My guys are all legal and have been with us for 15 to 20 years. I had one opening last year and had two illegals in a row apply with fake SS numbers after which they became unemployed. I do agree that enforcement of current laws against employers would cut down on the problem. Build the wall then allow a number of needed workers to apply here with proper documentation.
JoseCuervo said:
Why do you think only citizens hunt in this country? There are many people who travel the world and hunt in countries they don't speak the language.

Do you really think we should have language tests for people before they can hunt in that country? When we go to Argentina to shoot doves or ducks, should we be required to master Spanish?

Tone. Glad your educated on the illegal issue.. :) .i didn`t mean you [pro-illegal]Buzz,Jose,Elkgunner,Matt, all have shown pro=illegal tendencies... :confused:

Jose, are you even paying attention? |oo

Non- citizens are more then welcome to hunt in AZ no matter what their origin or language. [ but they MUST pay the higher non resident fee`s] hump

The problem is ILLEGALS meet the 6 months residency requirement!!!

But they should not be in the country!!! Deport them [ no loophole]

And printing the regs in SPANISH only promotes more ILLEGALS to apply for tags... can`t you understand that?

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