NEW SITKA Ambient 75

IDFG Tag Sales


Dec 14, 2016
IDFG really let down the Idaho customers with their terrible online interface. I am still ~3,300 customer and I have waiting in line for 90 minutes while most of the tags have sold out. We deserve better than this.
this system of putting people in a waiting room and then handing out your place in line through a random number generator is lame. I miss the days of truly first come first serve, on the limited tags. but no, they have to make it "fair". I don't get what's fair about showing up early and then getting a spot in the back of the line.
I went to a small business this morning, not to a F&G reginal office and had my elk tag seven minutes after they went on sale.

Idaho F&G needs to come up with a better way for non-resident tags being sold!
This is exactly my thoughts. They are trying to do the same thing with the sawtooth waiting period. Just a cluster.
Potentially 2400 people that wouldn’t be applying for a different elk hunt or moose/sheep/goat
Update: her husband did not want a Sawtooth tag. She asked I wanted to try logging in on her computer but I had applied for a controlled, damn the luck. Plus my walking will still be rough in Oct.
Is there anyone out there that wants to trade their rifle sawtooth elk tag for my archery sawtooth elk tag?