Idaho Unlimited Hunts

Hmm. Not sure how I feel about this, especially when I consider that I've never really liked the unlimited hunts to begin with.
Good thing for you IDFG doesn't really care what you think, they'll do whatever they want, then when they piss everyone off...they'll change it to what the majority of the public wants.
Every reason to make your voice heard and comment. When we comment they listen. I have worked with F&G and I believe they do listen it's just a matter of getting sportsman to actually communicate instead of complain after the fact.
So I take it you guys are not in favor of making unlimited hunts mandatory on your 1st choice?

I don't have a dog in the fight, have never hunted one of these, what do you guys think? Pros/cons?
So I take it you guys are not in favor of making unlimited hunts mandatory on your 1st choice?

I don't have a dog in the fight, have never hunted one of these, what do you guys think? Pros/cons?

Here's my beef with the unlimited draw hunt--it restricts (by design I'm sure) my opportunity to hunt. All my life I've primarily hunted unit 73 for deer with my father--which I can still do because it's an unlimited draw hunt. However, up until about 5 years ago I could also hunt unit 56 with my buddy, or unit 54 with my brother-in-law during the general season because, as you know, a general deer tag is generally good anywhere in the state. Now, I have to decide whether I'm going to commit to go with my dad or someone else; that's a "first world problem" I know, but in a state known for opportunity it's a little irritating nonetheless.

I've also been putting in for a dream rifle antelope hunt for the last five years, and if the stats bear out, it will take another 15 to pull the tag. As a second choice I apply for the unlimited archery tag that's valid for a good portion of the state. Those tags used to be over the counter, but now that they're a draw I may have to decide whether to throw up a Hail Mary and probably not go antelope hunting that year, or go for the guaranteed archery tag. Again, it's a problem I'm sure a lot of guys would love to have, but I hate seeing less and less opportunity in the opportunity state.
I get this is a state of opportunity, but I think by people making a decision on what they really want to do it free's up opportunities for others in the choices that you didn't make and kind of spreads it around instead of a bunch of people putting in for a hard to draw unit, then all those that didn't draw getting thrown into a 2nd choice of unlimited and being packed like sardines into a unit. They should maybe make it a youth only 2nd choice unlimited.
I get this is a state of opportunity, but I think by people making a decision on what they really want to do it free's up opportunities for others in the choices that you didn't make and kind of spreads it around instead of a bunch of people putting in for a hard to draw unit, then all those that didn't draw getting thrown into a 2nd choice of unlimited and being packed like sardines into a unit. They should maybe make it a youth only 2nd choice unlimited.

I get this side of the argument too. In fact, for selfish reasons, I'd support the proposal that the Unit 73 Deer hunt be a 1st pick only hunt. I've never complained about having fewer hunters on the mountain opening morning. :)

I just hope that when my kids are my age that they can still hunt deer, elk, and antelope every year they wish to do so. So, if I can be convinced that supporting this proposal will help to ensure that, then I'm behind it 100%.
I gave them my opinion and suggested we need all new F&G employee's too get these retarded idea's not brought up...... I like hunting Deer/Elk/Antelope every year here in the great state of Idaho,
BTW, I am also against this proposal, I like the freedom of opportunity too much, don't keep restricting
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