Yeti GOBOX Collection

Idaho Considering Bonus Point System


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
May 26, 2010.

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission, during a meeting Thursday, May 20, gave the go-ahead to the Fish and Game Department to develop a controlled hunt bonus point system.

Fish and Game officials plan to present a proposal for public comment and then bring a final proposal back to the commission "later this year."

Clearly, there is not a firm plan on the table, but it looks like Idaho may very well have a bonus point system in place for the 2011 draws. If so, you'll definitely want to make sure you get in on the ground level -- doing so may be one of the best shots you'll ever have at drawing a premier tag
I'm conflicted on this. If you get in on the ground floor it can be appealing. However, if you don't or have kids, the points they accumulate will pretty much be worthless. Can you imagine how many more applicants ID will have next year if they do this???
MNHunter, true about the potential increase in ID hunters - but it should increase revenues nicely for the state.

As for worthless points...isn't that the same with any bonus point system where guys are trying to draw primo tags? AZ, NV, CO, MT, etc. all have this same gig going so if you really, really, really, really, really want to hunt a particular unit, buckle up for a long ride. :D
-- doing so may be one of the best shots you'll ever have at drawing a premier tag

I think this will make the premier tags harder to come by. Hopefully they will still allow some of the tags to be available via random draw.
MNHunter, true about the potential increase in ID hunters - but it should increase revenues nicely for the state.
I think that is their main goal, not to help us poor hunters draw tags in an orderly fashion :D

As for worthless points...isn't that the same with any bonus point system where guys are trying to draw primo tags? AZ, NV, CO, MT, etc. all have this same gig going so if you really, really, really, really, really want to hunt a particular unit, buckle up for a long ride. :D
Maybe I shouldnt have said worthless, I guess it depends on how they structure it. Of the ones listed above NV seems to be consensus as the best BP system. As they say, the devil is in the details. I will be in the first wave if they approve of a system. I'm relatively young (31) and will be in for the long haul. I just hope they don't go back and award the 2010 people an extra point as I sat out this year :eek:
Last edited:'re correct though...the points accrued are worthless until they actually yield a tag. :D It does depend on what they do...I am biased toward our NV point system but yeah, depending on what exactly ID does, it could get interesting...
It'd make me start putting in for ID for sure. I'd love to start building with max points.
I just missed out when Wyoming started their system.
Idaho Bonus Point System

Okay guys you need to help this dumb Idaho native because I don't hunt out of state. I draw my hunt or don't, end of story until the next year. So how do most of the bonus systems work? Assume you are all wanting to hit the honey holes in states with the big bulls and bucks? Thanks for your patience.
For example, in MT every year you don't draw, you get a bonus point.
Each bonus point you have accumulated counts as another chance in the drawing.

So say I've put in for sheep for ten years without drawing, My name will be in the hat ten times this year.

Each state's a little different but that's basically how they work.
I don't think it's done to get hunters a better chance for drawing tags, it's a way to increase revenue for fish and game. I'm not a fan, but I'm gonna guess I'm in the minority.
Choc dogs, I'm not a fan. I would rather it stay the way it is, even though my family and I have a hard time drawing tags.

Question to the non-residents. How many of you will sitll buy a bonus point if you have to pay for the license to apply? Would that change things?
As someone said on another forum the other day:

Point systems are like that hot girl that everyone loves in high school, but turns out to be the fat chick in sweats at the 10 year reunion.
I have to say I am unsure how I feel about Bonus points to be honest. I know lots of guys hate them. Growing up in Montana we never had any sort of Bonus point system, I know there is one there now of some sort. I never drew a sheep, moose or Goat tag, my Mom has been in the Moose draw for as long as I can remember probably 30+ years, never drew a Moose tag. Brother, same thing, no Moose tag. I moved to Washington 15 years ago, and got started on the points a couple years after I finished up my schooling. Went into last year with 9 points. In WA they square the number of points you have and add one for the current year. So last year I was at 9 squared or 81+1 or in other words my name went in the hat 82 times and I drew my first choice for Moose. So to me, comparitively to what I had going back home, it seems the bonus points worked for me. I think where guys get pissed is whether or not, or to what extent it truly increases your odds of drawing. I mean if you buy 82 lottery tickets, and everyone else only has 50, you do statistically have a better chance of winning the lottery.

I think unfortunately no system is perfect. No points and your gonna have guys who draw tags every couple years while other guys draw none. Bonus system and guys are gonna be pissed off when they have 10 points and some guy with 3 draws the tag. If the system is rewarding you with tags, then it's great, when it's not, no matter the system, then it sucks.
Having participated in the MT committee that formed our system, and buying points in every state that will sell me one, I have come to the conclusion that most point systems are detrimental, rather than beneficial. I hope ID resists the pressure and doesn't go that way.

When you think about all the applicants for many hunts that have very few tags, there is no statistical advantage when everyone has a ton of points. So why even bother. Make it a once-in-a-lifetime tag, so the rumors of someone drawing twice will no longer exist. I mean, why should Miller have two MT goats, and I only have one.

These systems are designed for the most part to help the old gray hairs in the room. And it sucks for young hunters getting into the system.

As grandpa always said, "Beware of an old man in a hurry."

I like ID and NM, even though I have bought 13 consecutive ID non-resident hunting licenses and have nothing to show for it, besides my cancelled checks. No tags, and no points. But, the best news is that no one has more points than I do. :D

I wonder when the evidence will be gathered to confirm that point systems are doing more harm than good when it comes to hunting's future.
Dang, I guess I'm not in the minority, glad to hear that, and I'll voice my opinion at public hearings if given the chance, too...thanks for making me feel better.
I wonder when the evidence will be gathered to confirm that point systems are doing more harm than good when it comes to hunting's future.
Unfortunately they know it will bring in a surge of cash with all the apps wanting to be in the max pool of points.

This is very interesting. If for some reason they go to bonus points I hope they open it up so we can apply for all species (at least for residents). I would hate to only choose one animal to be max points on.
Unfortunately they know it will bring in a surge of cash with all the apps wanting to be in the max pool of points.

This is very interesting. If for some reason they go to bonus points I hope they open it up so we can apply for all species (at least for residents). I would hate to only choose one animal to be max points on.

As a NR I have to agree with ya Bugler. Let the residents apply for all species, and keep the NR's limited to just one as it is now. But you know they won't do that, if they go to points it will be purely a money, and nothing regarding fairness to the residents, so if they open it to all species, you can bet they will do it for NR's also. I think the residents should have the upper hand for sure on special permits, no doubt about it.
Its not a for sure deal, but highly probable. Also its not really coming from Fish and Game, but from the Fish and Game commission. As for it being a revenue stream, maybe that is something the commission was thinking of, but employees are probably not looking at that side of things. The cost to run the point system will probably eat up a bunch of the potential revenue. Those that I communicate with were surprised to even see it on the agenda at the meeting. If you guys have some bad stats on point systems I'd love to see them so I could print them out and get them presented to some folks.
TheTone, I think in the past BP systems created more overhead costs than they brought in. Tough to cut it charging $5 or $7 a BP. However, states have figured out that they can charge $100 and we hunters will pay it! Since then other states have figured out they too can cash in. They don't give up any resource (game) and they increase applicants. Yeah, maybe 10% will get eaten up in admin costs but I'm certain ID will see a huge inflow of cash if they adpot a BP system cause I'm sure they'll charge more than $5 and on top of that, they get the lic fee from the new applicants.