Idaho California sheep hunt


New member
Oct 23, 2009
Eagle, ID
I was lucky enough to draw a California Bighorn tag this year. I killed a Rocky Mountain Sheep a few years ago and then started putting in for the other species of sheep here in the state.

Crazy year for me with Business, family, racing, and hunting so I didn't ever get a chance to scout the area. There were also 4 other tags already filled in the unit before I could get out and hunt. I wasn't expecting too much except getting out and experiencing new country and seeing sheep. This is a very remote are without cell service or towns. Roads are very rough and there is a wilderness area surrounding the canyon. There are spots where you can drive less then a mile from the rim to many miles of hiking to get there.

I took off the last week of the season and headed out. I had contacted some friends and we all networked. I received a phone number of a person experienced in the area and made contact. He planned to meet me out there during the weekend. Cool.

So I slept in the truck as I had no good idea where to start. First light of Thursday morning and I found a spot on the rim. It was blowing a good 30-40 mph and snowing. Found sheep right away across the canyon. Ewes and lambs only but still warmed me up. I then hiked most of the day until the wind and cold got the best of me. Saw a few bands but no Rams.

Friday; much better weather. Still on my own and hiked a few miles in a different direction. I finally saw a ram on my side of the canyon. I stalked up to 38 yards, but not quite the ram I was dreaming of. He was 5-1/2 years old according to the rings. Cool, having a great time. I could see sheep across the canyon, but had no idea how to get over there. I have hunted very tough country before, but this was impassable country with no way to get across.
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Two gentlemen met me out in the back country. These guys had never met me and took their weekend off to help a stranger out. Very cool. They were great guys and helped a ton. Showed me the way around to the other side and together we spotted some good rams. Nothing on our side and no time to get over to the other side. Hiked about 12 miles total. We put a nice ram to bed at dusk with high hopes for the morning.

The same two guys showed along with another to make 4 of us. We watched the good ram rise and feed for a hour or so. Made the decision to make a play for him. Took about 2 hours to drive over to the other side, another hour of hiking to get to the area where we believed he was and then make a stalk. The good ram had a very good ram with him, but had a horn that was either busted off or disfigured on one side. I had a shot a 200 yards on him, but not his buddy. That lasted for about 3 seconds and off they ram. They didn't stop for miles and we had no idea where they would stop.

The guys had work the next day and a 3 hour truck ride home, so we separated with a hearty thank you from me to them. Amazing people and the trip would not have been complete without them.

I went back to another area for Sunday evening by myself but saw no sheep.
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I'm guessing monday went well. I see some success pictures! Nice ram, congrats on the hunt. man, that makes me want to hunt sheep now!
Monday morning;
I hiked the 1 mile or so from camp to the rim. I went to an area recommended by the guys from the day before. They had seen sheep that were spooked head there even though it was miles away from where we bumped the sheep the day before. At first light I saw a sheep and put the spotter on him. Mature ram in a decent spot for a stalk. Saw him for about 30 seconds then he disappeared.

I packed up and went the 3/4 of a mile to where I saw him. I snuck up to the rim of rocks on my belly and looked around. One minute later I see the one horned ram along with another ram. One glance and I knew it was the good ram from the day before. The cross hairs settled on him and the safety came off as he was standing broadside on a decent plateau at 198 yards. Boom the .300 went off and the ram staggered. He took two steps and then started backing up trying to catch himself. I got a very sick feeling when he went backwards over the edge. I watched him tumble into space. He took a total of ten steps but in the wrong direction. Oh-no...this can be very bad. The canyon is mostly straight up and down. I stumbled down, rolling and stumbling to the spot where I hit him. I could not see him looking down any of the drops. I found an avenue where I could crawl down and found him in a spot that I could at least get to.
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I ended up taking three trips to get him back up to where he went over the edge. This added a few hours and a year off my life, lol.

I then took two trip up to the rim, and then another two trips back to the truck. Total of about 8-9 hours of packing but he was loaded. The bad news is he busted a horn on the fall. Good news is I found the two pieces. He was the best ram we saw of the trip and I was fortunately lucky enough to have some great guys help me out with the terrain. I couldn't of done it without them. My rough score is 165-7/8" before about 4" of deduction for a total of 161. I'm not a experienced scorer and tried to error on the conservative side.

I'm very happy with this ram. This was the toughest country I have even hunted in 30 years of hunting. I never expected to kill this quality of ram with the limited knowledge I had and no scouting, but have been a lucky person in many things this life has brought.
Congratulations on a great ram! When I lived in Idaho, I hunted deer very near where you shot your ram and it is indeed intimidating, ball busting country. He's going to look great next to your Rocky Mountain ram.
Thanks for sharing your hunt. Great write up and pics. Looks like a very tough hunt. Congrats on getting your second sheep!
Congratulations. I saw the broken horn in the pictures after the first post before you posted the rest of the story and was curious if that was before you shot him or after a tumble.

Any pictures with the broken piece? Is it something that a taxidermist can put back together?
Geez Rob! Way to hang in there and my hat's off to the gents you met. Hope you have contact to thank them. Granted, you did the dirty work.
Congrats on a great ram!!! I helped a pard kill one in that area last year. Very neat country, but can get steep in a hurry.
Thank you everyone, the broken piece should be easily re-attached with a bit of work. I can push it back into place without much effort and it fits well. Fish and game checked it in and looks to be 6-1/2 years old. 14-4/8" base and the long horn is 36-3/8"
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