I like big butts and I can't deny!!!!!!


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Too close to Idaho
The breaks makes big bulls is all I can say! Look at the mass on this horn. The H1 measurmnet is 12". Found this shed last weekend. Will post more later.


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Nice horn, but it's "...and I cannot lie....you other brothers can't deny...."
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung........Just for you Oak:D

Nice horn Wing. Not much room between the burr and that second point. That makes for a big number.
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Here are a few match sets from this year so far.


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What does that matching 7 score? Incredible mass Give us some measurements on those 7 sheds pleassse.
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Dam close! I did a quickie om them and got 364. Imagine if they had good thirds. What sucks is you or I will never see this bull while hunting unless he migrated way south.
I actually did see him. 2 days in a row. I thought he was bigger though in the 380 range. They always look bigger on the body. Neat that you found them both. Would love to feel how heavy they really are.
Here's a big butt! This is the largest elk antler I've ever seen. Pull a tape out just for reference if you wonder how big 5 inches is across. The antler weighed 17 pounds:eek:

I'll dig in my pile and see if I can find a butt that big. Thats an automatic 400 plus when they weigh that much. Thanks for sharing. I don't want this to turn into a @@$k measuring contest ok.
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