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I like big butts and I can't deny!!!!!!

The demonstrative post? I don't doubt for a second that you guys walk a lot, didn't say anything about that. But if you are going to claim that a plane doesn't give a guy a substantial advantage for horn hunting or hunting for that matter, you are being ridiculous. I'm not implying that you flew your plane around all weekend and had some magic remote control hand that reached out of the plane and picked up horns for chits sake, just commenting that it is a huge advantage. And I absolutely wish I had the time and money to go do my own plane thing, but since i have neither, i will continue to just pick up the few that i do each year with my pickup as transportation to where i can go....

It is a time saver no doubt. But hearing the plane the plane the plane by people gets old. sorry that I may have taken your post in the wrong context. It is a tool like all other tools out there that assist in making our hunting lives a little easier.
My brother in Alaska has a friend who's a pilot and he uses his to spot those giant moose sheds from the air. They really stand out when your up high so I'm told.
My buddy, who's a firefighter for the forest service, said he lost count of all the moose sheds while flying over Alaska in a helicopter to a fire last year.
This is a post about 'big butts' not being a big butt. Shut up, and post some pics and clips. If it is done OYO, then share it!
I don't come on this site to pick fights or to defend what I have done anymore. I come on here for the same reasons as most, because it is a great site and to keep up with everything that is happening with our legislature. Let bygons be bygons.

You have behaved yourself very well considering the flaming you took when you first got on here. Some of these guys will never let it go. Screw em. I'd hunt with you any day and I'd sure as hell fly a plane if I had one.
Good lord that 7 has mass.... WOW!!!!

Wing... tell us more about them closing that to motorized? I can see NO reason other than pressure from the private owners around there. If we/public make a stink, they will not close it, that is bullpucky... we have enough "little" landlocked pieces of public land... they cannot shut us out of places like this. I'd like to hear WHO is lobbying for this and who in Lewistown is handling this case. They should get an EAR FULL from all of us.... Those land owners need that area closed to the public like they need a hole in the they dont have enough fricken prime area to hunt and drive in access to this spot too... bull crap.....
Wingman, i admit I was pretty skeptic of your posts when you first came on here but it appears you are a decent man. nice pictures and congrats on the sheds.
The jury is still out for me;). You may be able to convince me one way or another if you took me with you next time. Just curious, what do you do with all that bone?
Good lord that 7 has mass.... WOW!!!!

Wing... tell us more about them closing that to motorized? I can see NO reason other than pressure from the private owners around there. If we/public make a stink, they will not close it, that is bullpucky... we have enough "little" landlocked pieces of public land... they cannot shut us out of places like this. I'd like to hear WHO is lobbying for this and who in Lewistown is handling this case. They should get an EAR FULL from all of us.... Those land owners need that area closed to the public like they need a hole in the they dont have enough fricken prime area to hunt and drive in access to this spot too... bull crap.....

Horn seeker this is news I heard last weekend from an unreliable source. I need to contact BLM to get it straight. But it still goes with the saying....use it or lose it. I think you know who would benefit the most from a restriction like this. I think this could become the next Mitchell slough fiascal.
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The bummer about that place is that you either need the plane or save your nickels for a chopper ride. It's hard to use it with that limiting criteria. Actually I don't think you'd want much more traffic for that small of an area anyway. Hopefully the Blm doesn't cave to the landowners. Fingers crossed
Yes it did. Probably to people with even more political clout. Aka money . Just a hunch, but I think they already have plans for that spot we like to hunt.
Funny thing is that if I owned that ranch I wouldn't even be hunting in that area:confused: That place is big and has as good if not better spots in my opinion. Too much hill climbing in that spot anyway;)
Funny thing is that if I owned that ranch I wouldn't even be hunting in that area:confused: That place is big and has as good if not better spots in my opinion. Too much hill climbing in that spot anyway;)

Ya! We only hunt that flat stuff around here;)!!
Wing, you definately took my post out of context................if i had a plane, i would use it. It is a good tool to have, in fact i think my exact words were....." I wish I had a plane"...........its like i wish i had a million dollars too but i know that isn't the case either (otherwise i would have a plane:D) Thats why i make due with what i have.

Nice finds, and keep posting pictures.
Well, if thats what I had to do...I would make that sacrifice.....

I am going to get a look at it this summer... but its not my gig anyways, but I sure hate to see it get shut down... that would be BS... I'll stick to the mountains...