Hunting with Oak and Dinkshooter


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2002
So I was lucky enough to hit the mountains with Terry and Joe a few weeks ago on a muley hunt. I've hunted with Oak but never with Dinkshooter. Neither of these guys disappointed. I debated going with the long story but decided to go shorter.

Dinkshooter invited me to go with him to his opening morning spot. I didn't want to get in his way, so I went to a spot we saw walking in the day before. I spent most of the day glassing and figuring out the lay of the land. As it got close to prime time I walked back to the spot that I started at.

I looked across a little drainage to my left and saw a big bodied deer feeding about 250yds away. As soon as I got the glass on him i knew he was a mature buck. I debated shooting several times. I knew he wouldn't score all and that the pack out would be a little rough on the Arizona boy. He walked out of the trees and gave me a shot I couldn't turn down.

I was able to get in touch with Oak and Dink to let them know that a buck was down. As I walked up to the buck I was very happy with him. Unfortunately the hill was steep and every time I touched him he slid further down the slope. I didn't get any real field photos which is a bummer.

Not long after I got the deer broken down, the guys showed up and thankfully helped pack the deer back to camp. I can't thank Terry and Joe enough for their help on the hunt and packing that buck out. Both those guys are the real deal.

This is all I've got got pics. He's not my biggest buck but I'm very pleased with him.

This was me pretty much the whole way out.

This was on the pack from the downed buck back to camp.

This is the Colorado deer next to my January archery buck that goes 142.
Sweet buck. "Cool" factor is just as good as score factor sometimes.
Great looking buck, score wouldn't really show how big and cool he is. Good company to share camp with as well.
Really nice buck.
Was it hard to keep Dinkshooters dinosaurs off your game bags? :)
I would much rather shoot a old rugged buck like that than a young willow antlered buck with deep forks that would score 10 inches better.
Some times people get too hung up on score.
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