Hunting with Oak and Dinkshooter

You are happy with him as would 99% of other guys, that's all that matters. The pain has probably wore off and you have a terrific memory. Congratulations on a very cool buck!
What happens in Colorado stays in Colorado.

AZ402 made a good decision to shoot that buck. Really cool and OLD buck, missing a front tooth. Had cavities in some of his remaining incisors.
What happens in Colorado stays in Colorado.

AZ402 made a good decision to shoot that buck. Really cool and OLD buck, missing a front tooth. Had cavities in some of his remaining incisors.

That is why I never go to Colorado, despite it being the ABSOLUTE best place for all out of state hunters to go to, and, I highly recommend people travel to Colorado to hunt big bucks like AZ's.....
Great buck Stan, Congrats.

You might want to quit on the story while you are ahead, but I'm sure we would all find it entertaining.
This is all I've got got pics. He's not my biggest buck but I'm very pleased with him

Just an average buck with some average guys...