NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Hunt the hunters (on Facebook)

If they were advocating literally hunting hunters then it would definitely be a violation.

As it is they are just rabblerousers, at least as far as the group info and latest 20 or so posts go.
I hope these people feel free to dress in bear suits and go hang out with bears.
I have reported ISIS beheading videos and rape and domestic violence videos and death threats against friends to Facebook and got replies that they don't violate terms of usage....but post a picture of a legally killed animal and it will get deleted? Nice hypocracy
Man, I honestly cannot imagine an existence where some of the thoughts that these people are posting would cross my mind. Obviously, the same goes for the other end of the spectrum, too. Just cannot relate to the extremists.
According to their face book page

"We are not against hunting for food. We are against trophy hunting and hunting for fun. We are exposing trophy hunters for being murderers."

I guess I'm safe as all my kills are slick top does or little bucks.:hump:
Resume of our goal / mission :

We try to list all the wild animals enemies : airline companies, trophy hunters, poachers, hunting clubs that promote violence, etc.

We want to put the pressure on them and don't forget Cecil

We also try to increase global consciousness all around the world and to educate people (hunting is not good for conservation) by spreading scientific reports

I'm still safe! LOL!
Facebook is not worth the time. Not a member, never will be. mtmuley

Facebook is useful to me, personally. It has kept me in touch with men I was in the military with and I have reconnected with friends from high school that I lost contact with over the years, plus I have a lot of Hunt Talkers that I keep in touch with outside of the forum. For me, it is somewhere 'safe' I can communicate and control what happens and with who. I have severe PTSD and social anxiety since coming back from Iraq, but my shrink says I have to stop isolating myself, so facebook has been the perfect tool for me. I can show off my wife and kids and hunting trips and things I'm proud of. I can talk about things that are on my mind without someone getting in my face. I can control who I talk to and when and for how long. So, it has been good for me, but I guess it's not for everyone.
I liked the hard ass Cush better..... What happened to the Hunttalk welcoming committee ?

I like Hunt Talk and don't want to jeopardize my membership here :D Plus my wife wasn't all that pleased, to say the least, about a few of my posts to newbs that I thought were funny as hell. I also don't want to jeopardize invites to the Hunt Talk bear hunts. We have a great group of guys that have gotten together, along with a few that have come through camp, that I consider to be friends, and I value that more than a few laughs. Growing up sucks, but I blame the Prozac :hump:
Facebook is not worth the time. Not a member, never will be. mtmuley

Unabomber proclaimed technology would destroy society. I know family and friends who hate people they once loved because of stupid facebook exchanges. I'm proud my entire family is facebook free. Society got along fine before facebook.

Time to unplug and get back into the cabin before the ATF and FBI lock in on me!
I like Hunt Talk and don't want to jeopardize my membership here :D Plus my wife wasn't all that pleased, to say the least, about a few of my posts to newbs that I thought were funny as hell. I also don't want to jeopardize invites to the Hunt Talk bear hunts. We have a great group of guys that have gotten together, along with a few that have come through camp, that I consider to be friends, and I value that more than a few laughs. Growing up sucks, but I blame the Prozac :hump:

I'm proud to report I am on temporary ban from Utah Wildlife Federation. Called out one of the moderators a few times. I know the SFW Public Land Grab crowd over there misses me.

My wife says I can be an ass; I prefer to think it's active engagement of idiots.
Time to unplug and get back into the cabin before the ATF and FBI lock in on me!

True story...

A while after I retired from the Army after coming home from Iraq and I would go a couple days at a time without sleeping, I hadn't met my wife yet and I was living alone and drinking pretty bad. One night I was on about my 3rd night without sleep and into a case of beer and 5th of Jack and I got bored, so I googled the FBI field office in Denver. I called the 24 hour hotline to inquire about buying the Unibomber's cabin in Montana. They were quite pleasant to talk to and wanted my name and social security number and address and birthday and all of that, and I thought they were doing a credit application over the phone. Well, I finally fell asleep and the next afternoon I get woke up to a knock on my front door. I open the door and there's 2 cleancut men in suits on my front steps and a black suburban parked out front and they are asking if I am John Cushman. So I ask the one guy who wants to know and he flashes a badge and tells me special agent so and so and his partner flashes a badge and they want to come in and talk to me. Well, they saw the .40 M&P in my hand as I back away from the door to let them in, so they gang rush me and cuff me and set me down on the couch. They proceed to spend the next 3 hours questioning me about my military background and deployments and neighbors and where I travel and my family and my divorce and pretty much my entire life story a couple times over, just worded differently each time. Now, mind you, I am a cigarette smoker and I have been handcuffed for about 3 hours without a cigarette and woke up by them, so I haven't had a cigarette since I had passed out the night before, so I am getting pretty pissed and agitated. I tell them I don't remember making the damn call to the FBI, so the go through my cell phone and show me the call history, and even play me back the recording of the call on their nifty little recorder. Eventually they decide I'm not, in fact, a domestic terrorist, and they uncuff me and let me have a cigarette and talk all nice to me and try to explain how they can never be too careful and all of that happy horseshit. They finally decide to leave and tell me to have a good day..yeah, as if...and they drive off while all of my neighbors are out on their front steps staring at my house...I was living in town at the time. So, now, everytime I do a background check to buy a gun, they seem to take a bit longer, and renewing my license got screwed up and took longer, when I get pulled over for a ticket and they run my license it takes longer, and pretty much anything I do that involves anything with the FBI or ATFE or CBI gets stalled and delayed.

So, my public service announcement to all of you impressionable Hunt talkers out there that think it's cool to do what the cool kids do....DO NOT get drunk and call the FBI

You're welcome
JohnCushman, the man, the myth, the legend!! You have lived a "large" life, full of adventure. I enjoyed reading your treatise on FBI phone etiquette.

A large salute from Kansas,


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