Hunt the hunters (on Facebook)

I nominate JohnCushman the Hunter S Thompson for this time. Write a short novel; get some interesting celebrity friends; Anthony Bourdain, Steven Tyler, Demi Moore, Yodi Molina, Gerry Spence, Jeremy Pivin (Ari Gold), Big Fin and be legend. I'll buy two copies.
So, my public service announcement to all of you impressionable Hunt talkers out there that think it's cool to do what the cool kids do....DO NOT get drunk and call the FBI

Going to go get a rag and clean off the ice cream and peaches I just spewed onto my monitor. That story is too funny John.

How much were they asking for the Unabomber's cabin?
Going to go get a rag and clean off the ice cream and peaches I just spewed onto my monitor. That story is too funny John.

How much were they asking for the Unabomber's cabin?

It wasn't for sale at the time...I just wanted a place in the woods to get away from people :D Didn't they end up selling it eventually after his trial and everything, if I remember correctly?
According to their face book page

"We are not against hunting for food. We are against trophy hunting and hunting for fun. We are exposing trophy hunters for being murderers."

I guess I'm safe as all my kills are slick top does or little bucks.:hump:

Don't forget to have a horrible time while doing it. NO FUN ALLOWED!
I NEVER have fun doing it! As a proud member of PETA it brings a tear to my eye every time I lay my hands on the beautiful animal I have just killed. I always say thank-you to them and apologize for what I have done.:(

Mean while back at the ranch, the frying pan is warming and the potatoes are on to boil. Later I say thank you again to the beautiful animal as it lays where the creator intended, right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy!

Oh! I'm a proud member of "People Eating Tasty Animals" not that other group who stole the acronym.
I like Hunt Talk and don't want to jeopardize my membership here :D Plus my wife wasn't all that pleased, to say the least, about a few of my posts to newbs that I thought were funny as hell. I also don't want to jeopardize invites to the Hunt Talk bear hunts. We have a great group of guys that have gotten together, along with a few that have come through camp, that I consider to be friends, and I value that more than a few laughs. Growing up sucks, but I blame the Prozac :hump:

I give vets plenty of leeway . We owe you guys a ton! I have to admit that I was a little taken aback by a few of the posts when I first joined. Then after awhile I found them entertaining. With that said, I think your current approach is probably more politically correct. Nothing like a good wife to get a guy in line! Congrats on the marriage ( last year I think). Behind every good man is a better wife..... Just don't tell mine that!
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