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How far from nature


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2017
Home of the OTC
Honest, once during my guiding career a young woman from Seattle walked into the skinning shed. She had managed to shoot a small 4pt that morning, several others had also filled their tags. She looked at the hides, looked at the deer as we were rolling them into the cooler. So, where is the meat she asked. One of the other guides pointed at the carcus and said Right there. She looked inside the body cavity and said ”where”.
Catherine pointed out I might be out of my element at Micro Soft but c’mon. A fin a fin on a fish.

Whenever people are talking about “oh they got participation trophies” or whatever complaint I’m like…

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Maybe if a generation focused on parenting and their community instead of self indulgence..
I'm all for self indulgence (old adage-if the plane is going down-put YOUR o2 on first..) and seen but not heard...

But you are a parent first, friend second. And friends SHOULD tell you when you are being an idiot, and parents should instill the barometer of "idiocy".

Also, for 'seen but not heard', but not for the child to be a FaceGram accessory...

..Our generation has some fixing to do..

Yours truly
Orphan boy of the 80s
I don’t even think this is that bad, hell 20 years ago when I was 14 or so I went to Denver to visit family. Some of my cousins friends came over. One girl asked me “so do have like running water and electricity where you live?” Of course I played along and said no. But this woman probably has kids by now so you can probably guess they aren’t much brighter. you kinda have to wonder how a teenager could be so naive to the world that she thought anyone outside the city lived like it was 1870.
tik tok really is the problem here.

he saw an opportunity for his social media. he, like most anyone, would've just cut the fin off and eaten the fish had it not been for the incessant need to gain clicks and dollars with viral nonsense.

i've found a hair in my food at a restaurant probably a half dozen times over my life and all i ever did was pull it out and keep eating. but if i was a social media darling you bet your ass i'd burn that restaurant to the ground with a viral video freaking out about it.
I don’t even think this is that bad, hell 20 years ago when I was 14 or so I went to Denver to visit family. Some of my cousins friends came over. One girl asked me “so do have like running water and electricity where you live?” Of course I played along and said no. But this woman probably has kids by now so you can probably guess they aren’t much brighter. you kinda have to wonder how a teenager could be so naive to the world that she thought anyone outside the city lived like it was 1870.
I had a party one night in high school when my parents were out of town. A girl from the next town over asked me similar questions as were standing in my parents house that was built like 10 years prior 🙄. She asked if I'd ever been to a McDonald's. God she was dumb. Not bad looking though, I was too dumbfounded to capitalize on such a slam dunk situation.

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