Caribou Gear Tarp

Holy Cow! New Mexico Results out today?!!!

Whoops haha..... as for my archery, its not the best yet. Just got my bow at Christmas, but I'll be shooting everyday and at every angle I can think of until January. Luckily my javilina tag is in that sane unit so I should be able to come home with something lol
All RED here as well... No elk, No deer, no nada!! Maybe next year... Congrats to all who did draw this year!
Bobbydean, I did have a strategy to it. New Mexico has a special oryx draw for returning combat veterans with about 25% draw odds, that's how I got that tag. The ibex was a little harder but the archery tags still have a decent draw odd.

what is this strategy you speak of?!! returning combat veterans...?? Im still on active duty and I try to come home and hunt but I never seen this in the books?!
16 Deer for me again. Not sure why I keep applying for that tag. Very few deer. Mostly small ones. It's better than nothing I guess.

16 Deer for me again. Not sure why I keep applying for that tag. Very few deer. Mostly small ones. It's better than nothing I guess.


Don't take my dink....Good Luck & Good Hunting.
NM deer are nowhere near the quality & numbers they once were.