Caribou Gear

Hobbies other than hunting?

Aside from work and hunting, you'll find me fishing, training colts, futilely attempting to become a better roper, leisurely riding or seeing what kind of contraption I can weld together.
Following Cushman on Facebook.

Otherwise like Draftstud said, whatever the family wants to do.
Garden, mow an acre of grass in season, build the occasional piece of furniture, fish, tinker on my old Mustang, read, do endless hours of internet research just to improve my mind, used to fly private but gave up my medical when I had coronary problems so sold my share of the plane. Now it's just getting too expensive for anyone but a rich man. Follow my grandson all over the state to ball games but now that he's on a college team the territory has expanded. Travel a bit, mostly to CO and FL with stops enroute to visit friends. That's enough; no wonder I never seem to have any time.
Family first, then as time I allows I like to fish, backpack, mountain bike, trail run, ski, and mountain climb.
My free time usally involves one of my kids sports.Either driving to and from practice or at games.I like to hike around a lot in my free time and scout out new areas while getting myself in shape for western hunts.I also spend too much time with my trapping gear,and prep for the season.I also never miss a chance to go deep sea fishing.Not much into freshwater fishing.For that I'm like BigFinn and the official driver,hook baiter,fish remover ect....But my kids LOVE to fish so I'm not complaining
Whenever I can I enjoy hunting with family, next would be shooting with my sons. I think I still fish as a hobby, but I can't remember the last time I held a trout, so that hobby may need some attention.
Fishing when I can,rare now.
Furnituremaking is what I love doing,will again when shop is up.
Until then scouting/exploring/artifact finding/hiking/bike....ranch work!
What's a gym?
1_pointer and SnowyMountaineer will appreciate that another hobby is crashing ArcGIS, NASIS and ESIS right in the middle exporting reports...
I hear ya, if I had a nickel for every time I screwed up a DIMA database...

I find some time for handloading, xc skiing, ultralight backpacking/long distance hiking, and the occasional ice climbing trip. I also shoot 200-300 ground squirrels a year around my house, which is great fun and practice. My wife and I also have chickens, a pig, and have had milk goats.
I have a variety of hobbies I do when not out hunting. Reloading/shooting, although over the last year I haven't done too much of either.

The "weirdest" (as my wife put it) is reading text books. Currently I am reading Combat Trauma Care Military Edition text book. If your read the "what do you do" thread, youll know I am a paramedicon a SWAT Team. I am not required to read this book, but someday maybe Ill take the TP-C (Tactical Paramedic-Certified) exam.

We both enjoy fishing. We mostly fish from shore. My wife wants to get a boat, but I dont think we go enough to justify the purchase. A couple of years ago I started fly fishing. Panfish mostly, but after catching a largemouth bass on the fly, I got a heavier rod and will target northern pike this year with a fly rod.

I golf, sometime she comes with. Im not very good at it, but Id rather be outside than inside.

And for cold or rainy days, I recently bought an electric guitar and am trying to self teach some of the basics. I dont want to pay someone to teach me how to hold it.

I try to stay busy. I only work 12 days a month, so I have lots of free time.
Biggest hobby other then hunting would be Walleye fishing on Lake Erie.

Followed by shooting/reloading,fly fishing, and anything else outdoors.
In the winter I catch up on TV as a hobby and when it's warmer I mountain bike, eat and brew beer, I'm better at drinking beer than making it though. :)
Don't be too coy about your beer, Garret. Your Heffeweissen was amazing last time we hunted together and that IPA with the fruit taste that you said was a mistake was pretty good too.

I started taking college courses again to soak up some GI Bill money. I'm getting back into fly fishing. I've got my wife fishing now and she enjoys it. I also do a lot of travelling. I was a stand in for Ron Jeremy for a while.
3D archery, biking, running, snowboarding, gardening. Spending time in my woods maintaining/improving habitat, food plots, etc. My buddy whom my woods butts up against had a pond dug in the fall so fishing will definitely be added to the hobby list. Oh....and surfing HT nightly!
Can't get enough of this. Drove 14 hours round trip a couple weekends ago just to get the hell out of Wisconsin to get in some mountain biking in the Ozarks. Plus.... it is the best darn workout you can do to be in shape for HUNTING:D


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