Hobbies other than hunting?


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
Just curious as to what you folks do for fun in your free time other than hunting? Are there hobbies you'd like to do but don't/can't?

Does your wife share those same hobbies with you? If not what are her hobbies?

For Oak: ;)
I don't really have many other hobbies as I don't have the time or money for them. Kids are old enough to be into sports/clubs and that eats up the majority of my free time. I could say going to the gym, but that is borderline laughable as you guys have seen my pics. Besides hunting is one of the biggest reasons I go to a 5am class... Fishing is something I guess I could consider a hobby, but mostly I do it because the boys like it.

I'd like to spend more time learning to get good at shooting long range. Currently that's a hobby I'd like to 'add'. Learning to fly a plane would be another cool one, but lack of money and time make that a no-go. Someday, hopefully not that far down the road, I'd like to invest in a good camera system and get good at photography, mostly wildlife and outdoor stuff. I'd like to get back into skiing, down hill and to learn cross country. Though living where I live makes that pretty lame.

My wife doesn't really share in my hobbies with me. I think tolerate is better descriptor! Currently she's not really into to much hobby wise. She does like to do home improvement projects, mostly painting and decorating. With a bit of supervision she's not afraid to crack out a power tool or 3. She used to spend quite a bit of time reading and cross-stitiching. Before kids her hobby was starting hobbies! She get geared up and really into something for a while then on to the next thing.
All my (our) hobbies are pretty much intertwined and relate to food. Fishing, foraging, canning, hunting, gardening, wine collecting, bee keeping.







I get an itch to travel every so often. Tough, since I don't get that much time off work. We usually do 1 family vacation each summer, with several 3 and 4 day weekends scattered throughout the year.

We camp quite a bit through the summer, something which my wife and girls enjoy also.

I always intend to fish in the summer, but usually only get out a handful of times.

I always have several project vehicles going, but never seem to get any "done". Currently have an ATV, an XJ, Ford Ranger, Hemi Ram, T-Top Camaro, and 383 stroker Trans AM in varying stages of disassembly scattered around my barn..

My wife likes to quilt, I usually end up reading about hunting or wrasslin' the kids on these cold winter evenings.
Long time gardener

Year 2 as a back yard beekeeper. I like it a lot.

Hobby placer gold miner. The kids like it. As soon as they give it up, so will I.

Last year I took a 4 day whitewater trip in inflatable kayaks. I want one or two for the family.
Long range shooting. Getting more into it as budget allows. It's the same as when I was into cars. Takes funds to go fast. mtmuley
I guess my hobby is volunteering for hunters and wildlife. In the last 13 months I have been gone from home 27 days for out of state or across state meetings. I have attended another 16 meetings that took all or parts of days. I also spend about 10-30 hours a month on the phone. I don't have time for a lot of other hobbies.

Leaving in an hour for an early afternoon meeting with CPW, and then an evening meeting 125 miles from home. I'll get home around 11pm.
I'm single with no debt so I burn a chunk of my free time icefishing (when there is actually ice), Flyfishing (probably one of the worst at it), and Reloading & Shooting. I'm getting into hiking more but I'm a fatass so I really don't enjoy just hiking for the sake of hiking.

1_pointer and SnowyMountaineer will appreciate that another hobby is crashing ArcGIS, NASIS and ESIS right in the middle exporting reports

I used to homebrew but never really made good beer but I'd like to get back into it. I'd have to start all over to relearn the processes and techniques. With a decent brewery 8 blocks from my house it is tough to really get too deep.

Things I'd like to do but don't include skiing/snowboarding. I'm a casualty waiting to happen so I just stay away.
I really enjoy fishing, both from a boat and on the ice. Fly fishing is great when I happen to be around a trout stream.

I absolutely love shrooming!! I get excited just thinking about it. It starts with morels in May. In July the chants show up, and it ends with hens and aborted entolomas in September and October with a bunch of other varieties mixed in throughout the season. I've still got a good stash of chanterelles in the freezer to tie me over for the rest of the winter. During the peak seasons, I head straight to the woods many days from work and don't get home until dark. It's an addiction that's hard to explain.

This spring I'm hoping to get into beekeeping. I've got a few hives lined up that a friend is going to give me for free. So, I'll just have to learn from him and buy some bees.

Other than that, I really just enjoy spending time with family and friends.
I guess my hobby is volunteering for hunters and wildlife. In the last 13 months I have been gone from home 27 days for out of state or across state meetings. I have attended another 16 meetings that took all or parts of days. I also spend about 10-30 hours a month on the phone. I don't have time for a lot of other hobbies.

Leaving in an hour for an early afternoon meeting with CPW, and then an evening meeting 125 miles from home. I'll get home around 11pm.

Not sure what dictionary you are using to define a "hobby," but what you have provided here would fall into a different category that starts with the letter "J."

My hobby, other than animal damage control, is being a non-paid walleye fishing assistance. I prep the gear, drive the truck to the lake, unload the boat, rig the rods, take the fish off the line, gut and gill, clean the fish, load the boat, then drive home where the hint is dropped that "You are really good at cooking walleyes." Code word for, "I would really like some walleyes for dinner and if you were a good husband, you would cook them for me."

I'm not sure that is my hobby, as much as it is my wife's hobby. But, since it allows me to carry on with the real hobby of hunting, I am happy to do so.
Well I just realized I spend more time running than hunting. And among runners, I'm just a hobby jogger. Between 500 and 900 miles a year. A peak week for me is 40 miles.

Usually I do 3-6 races a year. I always said I run to be in shape for hunting, So I'll do a Half Marathon annually in April (this year will be the 6th year) then train for a June or July trail race of 15 miles or more with some local 10 milers and 5 and 10k's in between. I've finished 2 marathons and 2 50k trail races. I've found that training for long distant events is not sustainable if I want to have a family life.

Target Archery is another "hobby" Local 3d and indoor leagues with my hunting bow. This took a back seat when the running increased.

Backcountry horseback riding. Pretty much limited to hunting season lately.
Grandchildren & their parents first.... guns, guitars, the gym, and reading all tied for second.
Other than hunting, my time is largely consumed by my family, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Most of my Hobbies are still outdoor based - fishing, hiking, backpacking. Some view it as work, but I think one of my favorite things to do is to cut firewood. I enjoy lifting weights and a good sauna daily.

The wife isn't big on hunting or fishing, but she loves to hike, and she's also into crafty stuff. We both like wine.

I am a geography nerd. I collect maps, make maps, and collect books on Montana History and geography which I have filled an entire room in my basement with - to my wife's dismay.

My dream hobby, and one I am saving money for, is to make bathymetric maps of high mountain lakes in Montana.
Photography, guitar, reading, writing, fishing and traveling. I'm starting to think dwelling too much on "use to could's" is becoming a hobby. As in I use to could hike like Greenhorn, I use to could shoot faster than I do, I use to could see without reading glasses, I use to could fit into my favorite camo pants. Heck, I use to could use proper grammar as well. ;) Enjoy your youth boys as life after 50 isn't quite what I expected.
I like to flyfish, shoot and reload. I'd like to get into long range shooting but finding a place to do that here is challenging. Thought about getting in to some NRA competition too.
The wife hunts with me occasionally and likes to fish too. She gardens and raises chickens as well as tinkers with cider making. Consequently, cooking and canning are frequent activities in my house.

We both like to travel and if hunting is not the reason for a trip chances are I'll work in fishing or scouting.
I have a lot of hobbies according to my wife. None of which she enjoys. I like to fish and I bought a kayak last year as a stand-in until I can afford a real boat. I try to get to the golf course 2-3 times a year although I didn't go at all last year. I went on my first snowboard trip a couple weeks ago and foresee that as being an annual trip from here on out. As a concrete contractor I really like to do decorative concrete but such a small percentage of my work falls into that category it's almost like a hobby. I just get paid for it. I also have a '64 Airstream travel trailer that I inherited from my grandparents. We went on several trips with it when I was a little boy and I have some fond memories with them. I gutted it when I first took possession of it but the project has lay dormant for the last couple of years. When time and finances allow I plan to do a complete restoration of it. I just hope I get it done before my kids grow up me have their own kids.

I accompany my wife on occasional shopping trips as a way to spend time with her and we take the kids on a trip or two every year. Last year we to Sea World SanAntonio and this year we are supposed to go to St. Petersburg, FL. The only thing she and and I both like to do is eat. But some of our most heated battles are a result of trying to decide where to go. LOL
Let's see here. . .superheroes, ninja turtles, legos, and whatever else my three boys (1, 4 and 6) are into. We're phasing in my hobbies of fishing and hunting, and eventually I'll be able to read books of my own choosing again instead of Goodnight Moon

Well, the kids pretty much take up most of my spare time. I do enjoy fishing when I can...with the kids usually. Other than that, not a reader. I dont hit the gym much. I must admit I enjoy playing Call Of Duty on xbox 360. I also am pretty active in Clash of Clans....sadly. Dang that got addicting quick. Not a big beer drinker or sports nut. I am, pretty boring if you think about it. Crap, now I am all depressed....:p
Avid fresh water fisherman, with species of choice being big crappie and bluegill, however I'm not objectionable to catching a few walleye, perch, pike, trout, salmon or catfish either. Have gotten pretty heavily into ice fishing last several years too and really enjoy that.

Farm work on my own place related to deer habitat and hunting; food plots, planting trees, shrubs and grasses, timber stand management, water sources, and general upkeep of this stuff as well as tinkering with and working on the equipment needed to do this work.

Enjoy getting a fair amount of our heat from wood, and the work associated with it.

Gardening and preservation of the harvest as well as butchering and processing of game harvested. Lawn and yard work falls in here somewhere too.

Tinkering in my shop which generally involves building, improving or repairing something related to one of the above hobbies.

Joy riding in the boat and letting the kids swim, tube, etc.

Enjoy drinking and socializing with friends that have similar interests, a good campfire, and really like to grill, smoke food and cook all types of things.

If there is none of the above to do, the dog often takes me for a walk around the farm to stretch the legs and just look around. Can't sit still, sit down to watch TV and I'm soon sleeping. Pretty sure I have adult ADD
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