Hip surgery


Aug 13, 2022
Hi guys new to the board but a few questions.im having my second hip replacement this fall . Just wondering after healing for 2024 in your opinion which state would be easier your body to hunt for elk now I know of it is easy but which state would you pick
I hope that you find your hip/s to function better than ever. Aerobic fitness should be your determining factor on how/where you choose to hunt, not whether your joints are you-made or man-made.

I have two replacements, the right side with a non-muscle sparing approach, which was a lot of recovery time required to get back to normal function. My joint was ready to do things my mind said wasn't smart yet. The second one 14 years later was sooooo much easier as a muscle sparing approach plus robotics made for such a smooth recovery that I was deer-hunting-lite 20 days later. (And by hunting-lite I mean hunting within sight of the highway and keeping at least two points of contact with the earth by using a cane for balance as I went in and came out of the woods).

The stronger you are before surgery, the easier the PT and recovery will be. I wish you happy healing.
Well thank you I have to have the one I got in now taken out have a temp one put in for 90 days of antibiotics and then the new one put in
Well thank you I have to have the one I got in now taken out have a temp one put in for 90 days of antibiotics and then the new one put in
That is a different breed of hip surgery. Is your surgeon doing lots of revision surgeries?
That is a different breed of hip surgery. Is your surgeon doing lots of revision surgeries?
Yes sir he's one of the best this will be my 7th and 8th surgery on this hip that's why I posted the question it's going to be a six month span for recovery so I have lots of time on my hands for research on hunting grounds
Welcome to HT. I hope the surgery and recovery goes well.

A lot goes into your elk question and the distinction between Wilderness areas and non-Wilderness is probably more meaningful. Also, getting a guide and pack horses should make for an experience that isn't so grueling. Arkansas and Kentucky might be easiest on the body but hard to draw.
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