Guns in schools

Her nomination to Secretary of Education may be the worst possible. As I watched that discourse, I expected her to describe students or faculty vehicles with hunting rifles ... but no, she honestly thought it might be appropriate to have a bear gun in the school to ward off those grizzlies threatening during school hours. Otherwise she had no real answer to the question. And that wasn't the only question answered with a response not meeting the professional standards of someone with the highest national influence on education in our country. Absurd!
With her family's net worth, about 5 Billion, she's most likely not real concerned about what the serf class thinks of her tetsimony.
Besides, I got a gun to protect me from grizzly bears for reals, hmmm...........

maybe I attended a federally subsidized charter school, I'd be a better speller....
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She's a twit.
Her and Sarah Palin must have shared some genetics somewhere in the past. Their deer in the headlight expression when asked a tough question is almost identical.
She's just not very smart.

The only thing that could make her sound less smart, was if she had suggested we protect kids with signs...............:p
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I watched the video and thought. Hmmm...That lady didn't have a very smart answer.. sort of like the gun free zones.. not very smart.
The experts with all the right answers have done so well with our schools. Are we not still climbing in the world rankings or do I have that backwards?
I'm just glad I was able to take a gun to school. It's the only way I survived the grizzlies in Virginia. Or maybe it's the only way I was able to hunt doves and rabbits when I went to my friends house after school. I can imagine the commotion that an 8th grader with a 12 gauge Remington 870 in a soft case would cause today. I just packed it into school, stowed it on the shelf in the boys bathroom and went about my day.
Yes guns are needed in schools. A prerequisite to graduating from jr high should be a gun safety course.
Everyone should be capable of safely clearing the chamber and unloading all of the standard weapon types.
16 year old kid finds a .45 auto lying in the street he or she should be capable of rendering the fire arm useless before calling the police.
Just shows how the title of a thread can drive comments. I can safely say guns in schools would not have prevented the attacks of which she speaks.
I'm much more worried about non-native Canadian wolves tearing my children from their mother's arms.
I think every rural school should have a blue minivan in the parking lot to protect children from non-native wolves.
Her only qualification for this job is her multi-million dollar donation to the GOP campaign coffers. I can't recall if it was 20 million, or 200 million. I am a teacher, and it is obvious to me that we have failed to teach our students any observable critical thinking skills. I offer as evidence the fact that the dems thought Hillary was a good idea, and the republicans thought Donald was a good idea. To top it off, most of the members of congress that everyone agrees were worthless got re-elected. If we are that easily duped, we deserve what is going to happen in the next two years.
I hate to be the one to defend Betsy DaVos, but, I will be that guy.

The answer she gave on the guns and Grizzlies was, by far, her most intelligent answer of her hearing.