Future plans


Oct 19, 2021
I have set a goal to make it out west within the next two or three years for an elk hunt, with the hopes of making it an annual trip. In a perfect world, I will be able to get a tag every year while building points for a better quality hunt for every couple of years. Colorado is the obvious choice because of OTC tags with points leading to a first or fourth season draw every few years. I like this idea because I will be able to get to know a unit while hunting the OTC seasons and then also what should be a lower pressure, better quality hunt with the drawn tag.
I have also been exploring Wyoming. Many years ago I worked for a summer in Jackson. I fell in love with Wyoming and always wanted to go back and hunt. From what I can tell, I can likely plan on drawing a general tag every couple of years (at the current moment at least). This would leave me out of building points for a better quality draw hunt, which I am not necessarily opposed to. Having never dealt with grizzly bears, I am a bit hesitant to hunt in their range, which severely limits my options in the state. So, I am wondering what those that have elk hunting experience think is the better option. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
For bonus points, I would also like to eventually throw in a mule deer tag if one happens to cross my path.
Hunt the general tag in Wyoming and no more than 4 pt hunts when not otc in Colorado. Don't even think about a glory tag. Too far behind. Pay the money to hunt a ranch in New Mexico for that. I hear you on Grizzlies. Look at AZ for better tag and no Grizzlies.
I've never been an antler hunter, so a glory tag doesn't matter to me. I'd probably be just as happy with a cow or calf, at least for the first couple of trips. An either sex tag would be perfect. My main thought about the draw tags in Colorado is fewer people roaming the hills, not bigger antlers.
You will be happy shooting a calf?


Would you be happy with a mule deer fawn?
ElkFever, after typing this out I read some other posts and saw that the couple of points for a general tag isn't true anymore.
Wally, yes. If I had a cow/calf tag in my pocket and the only shot I had was a calf, I would absolutely take it home with a smile on my face. Or, for that matter, the same goes with a doe tag. I hunt for the meat and an unfilled tag doesn't provide that.
Don't want to burst your bubble but draw units in the point range you are looking at in CO are busy with hunters. CO has a lot of elk (for now) and is generous with tags and people take advantage of that. I have hunted it for the past 20 years and it seems to be getting worse each year. For some reason people think because CO has so many options and elk it will be an easy hunt. My suggestion is building points like you are saying but hunt OTC there and learn some units. Plan on being mobile and move until you find elk.
WY is a great option for building points in but every other year is not probably going to work out if my figures are correct. Don't forget NM with a true draw system if your budget allows.
No bubble bursting here. I fully understand that even with a draw hunt in the point range I am looking at it isn't going to be just me and the elk. But if it isn't the free for all of the unlimited otc seasons it would be nice.
Correct me if I am wrong or is it possible to draw cow tags as a second choice? Then I would be able to get a point as first choice and then possibly draw the cow tag?
Your basic plan is solid, with some variation on how often you can pull a draw tag. You can hunt elk every year somewhere if you skip around and are OK with cow tags which seems to be the case. Happy hunting, sounds like you better get used to eating a LOT of elk meat!
My advice would be to go as soon as you can and stop planning further than one year in advance. Complete waste of time.

Also, don't count on cow tags. Those will continue to be more and more difficult to draw. Expect more videos and social media posts jammed down your throat this application season on cow and doe tags.
My advice would be to go as soon as you can and stop planning further than one year in advance. Complete waste of time.

Also, don't count on cow tags. Those will continue to be more and more difficult to draw. Expect more videos and social media posts jammed down your throat this application season on cow and doe tags.

The only thing I would disagree about is planning more than one year in advance. I think having a rotation of states you go to and buying points in states your not planning to go to that year. That way you should be able to know youre going to draw a tag in the state you apply for. I'm not saying build up points and wait for ever to use them, but by buying them every year it gives you options for drawing tags. 4-5 states on a rotation gives you a great shot at drawing a tag every year.
I am planning on a couple of years because covid caused some financial turmoil here and, hopefully, by that time things will have gotten back to normal.

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