PEAX Equipment

Foxpro Caller Recommendation


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2015
SE Indiana
I am looking to pick up a caller to start doing some coyote hunting on a few farms here in Indiana. I was looking at the Foxpro Fusion with a stand alone decoy or the Foxpro Hammerjack with built in decoy.

Any opinions on having a decoy separate or attached to the caller? New to all this so any help, advice or direction is appreciated.

I personally don't think having a decoy makes much difference in my experience, I have seen coyotes care less about some fuzzy ball spinning in the sage but on a few occasions they have tried to eat the damn call which usually gets stopped with a shotgun. I would go with the built in just for ease of use.
It's a toss up on the decoy. Generally I don't like using one, I feel like not having one keeps the coyote looking for the source of the sound most of the time. Sometimes I think they see it and it does help set off the predator in them.

You can always just hang a feather above the caller as a decoy too.
I got to were I never use decoys. As others have said. I don't think they really help. I used them when I started out, but found them to be a hassle.
Not that it really makes any difference, but I am on FoxPro's Field Staff. I would recommend the Fusion so you have the option to use the decoy if you want to or not. I have had success both with and without a decoy, but sometimes the decoy will spook them. The other problem is sometimes it works too well and you can't get them to stop for a shot. Your mileage may vary.
So not sure if you bought a caller yet but I have a FoxPro Firestorm in great shape that am looking to sell. Would like to get $240.

Funny topic, i just ordered a new cs24c loaded my 100 sound choice from them directly 5 minutes ago. I have a alpha dog now...ok call. I like a decoy seperate about 5 feet infront of my speaker. I use icotec? spinning thing with a stake out bottom has variable speeds and was $25, i break decoys so cheap is good and its variable speed is nice. Windy days i dont use a decoys. I did a lot of research before i bought my CS24c and i need the volume here, lots of cheaper callers that will work fine in farm country but all reseearch said foxpro, customer service being a big reason. Good luck

I have never had a coyote show interest in the woodpecker spinner on my FoxPro, but bobcats like them. Raptors like them too though. I had a hawk pick up my caller and carry it about ten feet!
For coyotes, only time I use a decoy is during mating season, you would be surprised how fast one will rush in when they think another coyote is invading there space.

As for the caller, get what you can afford. But I would stick with fox pro and don't worry about the foxbang.
I agree that during the mating season, these Decoys are most effective. Coyotes become less vigilant. I use the Primos Wooly Bully but no FOXPRO, although I heard that they aren't bad either.
Best decoy I've ever used........... A Turkey feather tied to a tree branch. The slightest wind will give it just enough motion to keep his eyes off you. Plus its cheap and I'm poor. it just fits.

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