Sitka Pre Season Savings

Fishing with my girls


Active member
Jun 8, 2007
Not close enough to Montana
Things have been crazy with schedules this year and I've been promising my daughters (almost 7 and 5) that I'd take them fishing this summer. So Friday I cut out of work early and took my girls fishing...and my youngest caught her first two fish ever!

Today, I jammed through a bunch of house chores and took both girls fishing again this evening. My oldest got her first bee sting from a hornet :( but after we mudded up the sting, she was ready to fish and as luck would have it, she caught her first fish ever!

Great to get the girls out, expose them to fishing and make memories with dad. :D


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KC and the Sunshine Band: "that's the way, uh hu uh hu I like it, uh hu uh hu, that's the way I like it!! Great job dad!
Good for you Dad! Looks like a great place to introduce the Girls to fishing! Bench to sit on and a Gorilla to hold the fish after ya catch them! LOL Great Times. John
Looks like you and your girls had a great time! Hope the sting is better. Good for you, getting out with the girls. They will never forget it.
Way to go Dad. No matter how much you get out with them, you're going to wish you could have done even more, but the good thing is they'll always remember fishing with Dad.
Great thread, reminds me to get the grandsons out more. Your girls are beautiful elk hunter.
Memories for certain! Grats on a pride filled day! Bee Sting and all - a trooper!
Thanks guys! Yeah, I find the same to be matter how much you get them out, you feel like it's not enough. My oldest is a trooper for sure; she wanted to feel the fish and thought it was funny how slippery it was so we talked about the color and spots and fins and all that (she's in 1st grade so she's super interested in that stuff) but my youngest didn't want to touch the fish at all. She's content with casting/reeling.

nhy - the girls are a result of marrying a hottie. ;) I don't think I'm responsible for their beauty. I'm dreading middle school/high school when the boys start noticing...;(
Awesome work Jason! Last time i saw those kids with that smile, they were watching a grizzly bear........way to get them out!
Super cool. With summer off, I am fortunate to do this A LOT. Nice to see good kids in the great outdoors! >>Fish would appear to be a brown trout.
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