Caribou Gear

First Mule Deer


Apr 6, 2011
Warrenton, MO
I just got back from my first hunting trip to Colorado, and my first Mule Deer hunt. A few years back I decieded I wanted to branch out from just hunting Whitetails in Missouri. My goal was to take what I called the Big 4, Antelope, Mule Deer, Bear, and of course Elk with my best friend my dad. Our first father and son excursion was to Wyoming for an Antelope hunt which was awesome experience and my dad and I both took nice goats. After that I was right on track and planned a bear hunt in Minnesota the following year, well things went down hill after that and we didn't make that trip. My dad had his second open heart surgery and nearly died right in front of me. After a long recovery I started talking about us going hunting again, and at first he was real resistant but finally came around and we decieded to try Mule Deer. I did a lot of research and found a great place to go that we could both afford and starting making plans for Colorado.

We drove the 12 hours from Warrenton, MO to Berthoud, CO and had a great hunt and did some wonderful sight seeing in the mountains, the scenary was breathtaking My dad and I both took our first Mule Deer, and had a great trip together. Looking back at growing up some of my best memories are the hunting trips that we have shared together. I don't know what the future holds for either of us, but I do know that I will never forget the memories we made on this trip, and I got to share them all with my BEST FRIEND!

dad mule deer.jpg

kev mule deer.jpg
Good on you "81." Some of us would give all we own to have one more hunt with our fathers. You have the right approach to take him hunting as much as you can.

Congrats to both of you. These kind of stories are what make hunting such a special thing.
Thanks for all the great comments, it was a great hunt and a great time! I just hope when I have kids we can someday share hunts and make memories like this.
got a few friends/family i hunt with but hands down my pops is my fave hunting buddy
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