First Bivy Hunt


Active member
Sep 6, 2016
Rochester, NY
Hey guys, I'll be heading out west this fall (34 days, whose counting) for my 5th elk hunt. Normally we hunt from a base camp with 2 wall tents. This year however we are going to hunt out of our packs with 1 man tents etc... it's just myself and a good buddy who lives put there.
Was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for gear I may be forgetting? He mentioned he has a water purifier something or other. Thinking about bringing my own as a back up, wondering what good ones there are? Any other items I may over look would greatly be appreciated. The more we talk about the hunt, the more I realize it will be very different and a lot harder.
It's my favorite way to hunt!
An extra water purifier could be a good idea, just be aware that many of them don't tolerate freezing well and you'll have to sleep with them in cold weather.
Otherwise, it's hard for us to comment on your gear when we have no idea what you're taking. Your gear list might generate some additional ideas.
Baby wipes and duct tape.

Always have a second way of filtering/cleaning water. I have a pump style filter, but my next will be a gravity setup of some sort. Probably from Sawyer.
I just picked up the new Trailshot water filter from MSR. My fiance is a big trail runner and its designed for that but I figured it would make a good lightweight filter for hunting. If your buddy is already bringing one I wouldn't bring another, but would probably have some iodine/aquamira tablets just in case. I'm sure if you let us know what you have, it'll generate a lot of responses!
I'll grab some tablets for the water. Any specific kind "work" or taste better?
My gear list will roughly be:
Eberlestock pack
1 man tent, approx 4.5 lbs
Sleeping pad. 1 lb
3 pairs socks
2 t shirts (first lite)
2 pants ( first lite)
Mid weight long sleeve t
Heavy weight long sleeve t
1 pair mid weight long underwear
1 pair heavyweight long underwear
Bow, arrows, broadheads
Knife w sharpener
Game bags
Sqwincher individual packets
(Buddy bringing food)
Vortex viper 10x42 bino
Range finder
Couple calls
Baby wipes
Day pack
Sun glasses

Seems about it?

We will have a base camp and come back to it every 3 days or so to restock up...
Unless I missed it, I would definitely bring rain gear. I personally would take a spare water filter because I've been on trips when the primary failed and drinking straight from a delicious mountain stream can ruin your hunt. I use the Sawyer mini water filter that can attach to a collapsible water bladder and filter straight into my backpack water bladder. They're super cheap and don't take up any room in the pack.
I carry a sawyer mini with me on every hike. It is light, effective and simple. Katydyn tablets are in the survival kit. Enough for a few quarts. Cheap insurance.

I also always carry a down jacket with me. One that is warmer than I think I will need. I'm always surprised how nice it is to have that overly warm layer. Don't always use it but the extra little bit of weight is worth it to me.

Camp shoes (Crocks).
I'm guessing you're taking a sleeping bag? :)

I'd look hard at a different tent. 4.5lbs for one man is pretty heavy. I have an older 3-man tent that weighs 4 lbs. There are some pretty inexpensive options out there for less. Even a bivy and tarp isn't a bad way to go.

I'd leave the day pack at home. Use your regular pack, they usually squish down to nothing, and if you kill something you have a pack to bring out the first load.

2 pair of thermals? Take the lightweight, and leave the other at home. I rarely take bottoms, usually just a spare top. No need for extra pants, IMO. If they get dirty wash them in a creek, and wear your rain pants while they dry.

I get by for 8-12 days with the following for cloths (worn/packed) total

One pair pants
2 light t shirts
one thermal top
3x pairs socks
3x underwear
mid-weight fleece
puffy jacket
2x gloves
ball cap and stocking cap
rain pants/coat

If late fall where temps may get down around freezing and day time temps are only in the 40s, I toss in a fleece or puffy vest, and thermal bottoms.

Everyone has their threshold of filth to weight ratio. I know guys that bring a pair of underwear/socks for each day, and 3-4 pairs of pants.

Returning to base camp to restock? Seems like unneeded waste of time/effort you could use hunting instead of walking to/from. Toss in a bit more food and stay out there.

Speaking of food... I take food I like to eat, and don't worry about calorie/weight ratio. I'm usually in the 1.5lbs per day. I packed in 19lb of food for my last hunt. But it included cheese, salami, cooked bacon, and smoked salmon, and good tasting "meals". Eating shitty food makes for shitty moods, which results in lack of drive. IMO An extra couple pounds won't hurt.

Good luck! Backpack hunts are my favorite. I'm planning a short 3/4 dayer next weekend for caribou. I may pack a grill and some steaks. haha.
I fyou are open to some ideas with you gear I would offer a couple of notes.

My gear list will roughly be:
Eberlestock pack
1 man tent, approx 4.5 lbs
Sleeping pad. 1 lb
3 pairs socks
2 t shirts (first lite) (Just bring the one you are wearing in, you shouldn't need an extra for only a few days)
2 pants ( first lite) (same as the tshirt, just bring the ones you are wearing in)
Mid weight long sleeve t
Heavy weight long sleeve t
1 pair mid weight long underwear (You probably only need one set of long underwear, leave which ever seems less likely to be used at the truck)
1 pair heavyweight long underwear
Bow, arrows, broadheads
Knife w sharpener
Game bags
Sqwincher individual packets
(Buddy bringing food)
Vortex viper 10x42 bino
Range finder
Couple calls
Baby wipes
Day pack (I would try and avoid bringing a day pack, most of the eberlestocks are designed to collapse down, so just try and hunt with that)
Sun glasses
Extra Release! (even if you leave it in the truck). 2 hours hike back to the truck to retrieve the backup is better than 2,000 miles.
I'm with Bambi sleeping bag is a must, carry your own food and enough of it so you don't have to return to camp(real food is heavy but waaaayy better), drop the day bag, and put lighters in every pocket.

For clothes for 3-5 days including whats on me I go with:
1 pair merino briefs
3 pairs socks
1 shirt
1 pair pants
rain pants
rain jacket
puffy jacket
wool hat
baseball hat

but that's 100% a personal pref... after numerous backpacking trips I just found that I never really needed a change of clothes and it was just added weight in the pack. That said good rain gear and a puffy have made inclement wear as just a hindrance rather than life threatening. I don't bring them for a brief rain shower that I can wait out under a tree but for when that freak snow storm blows in and the weather goes from 85-90 to 25 with a blowing wind, it's happened to me a number of different times in CO and MT.
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. I use the Sawyer mini water filter that can attach to a collapsible water bladder and filter straight into my backpack water bladder. They're super cheap and don't take up any room in the pack.

+1 for the sawyer mini. Best lightweight water purifier we have ever used.
Thanks guys, lot of great info. I do have a sleeping bag and I will only bring 1 set of thermals. Extra release is great idea! Found out today we are switching units and the tag I have is in a sold out area.... someone is about to get some good news when my tag in diamond creek goes to the next in line!
For light and inexpensive a catenary cut tarp and tyvek groundsheet is tough to beat. Plenty of 1 man tents out there, but I can't think of one under about $250 that I'd care to own.
************Some stuff to consider. Going on a couple 5-8 day backpack hunts this is some of the random stuff I'm bringing
************ POSSIBLE POUCH

*Fire start kit*
-Storm matches
-Flint and steel

✓*Patch kit*
✓Tenatious tape (Gear Aid)
✓Seam grip
✓Patches(Gear Aid)

*Hand warmers*
*Extra spoon*
*Foldable plates*

-multi v
-fish oil

*First aid*
-Surgical glue
-Suture kit
-Disinfecting whipes
✓leuko tape
-Triple antibiotic
-combat gauze?

*Kill kit*
✓game bags (Caribou)
✓havalon knife
✓buck knife
✓rubber gloves
-Orange ribbon
✓5150 cord

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