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Federal Land for the Homeless

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California, "never ceases to amaze" How long did scientists say it'll take or CA to break off in an earthquake and float away?
Does go to show that anti-public land legislation can come from both sides and we need to stay vigilant. At some point I do fear that we see many of our resources (including clean water and some public lands) will be compromised when as a society we have to make the choice between wildlife and people. Growth is not sustainable and will only put more pressures on our resources.

In response to the Seattle is Dying post, I've spent enough time downtown to agree with the sentiment, and I for one don't plan on taking my family back as it just doesn't feel safe, but there have been numerous counter responses to that video (which was brought to you by Sinclair), including identifying that some of the people highlighted are actually disabled and live in subsidized housing. I know we as a society don't like to think about people who are mentally disabled or how they fit in our communities but trying to use them to further your own agenda is wrong.
California, "never ceases to amaze" How long did scientists say it'll take or CA to break off in an earthquake and float away?

With the current erosion issues we have I dont want this. But maybe we could convince the people to try to swim for Hawaii?? They better watch their ass near Catalina island on their swim.....those mako sharks are intense there. I know first hand.
At some point I do fear that we see many of our resources (including clean water and some public lands) will be compromised when as a society we have to make the choice between wildlife and people. Growth is not sustainable and will only put more pressures on our resources.

It's already happening, our anthropocentric view will always prioritize people of wildlife and habitat.

There was a mountain attack on a small child this week and all a majority of CA hunters can say is we need to hunt them so we can have more deer and that this is going to be a weekly occurrence. I'd love to hunt them here and would be the first in line for a tag if offered. But, it's pathetic to see so many blind to the fact that the factors stressing cats are the same for deer.
You cant fix stupid and lazy. If your not mentally ill and living on the streets ur the problem plain and simple and if I had my way you would be incarcerated for trashing the city.
Not every human is destined to live high on the horse, but you still work and live within your means. People do it everyday because they have the will to not be a burden to society and not pass their problems which they created with thier actions onto others.
This crap drives me insane!!! Look at me I shit on this businesses door step give me someplace to live now! Look at me I just shot up in the cabelas bathroom give me someplace to live now! Ok i will it's called the county jail. Instead we cater to these asshats thinking its helping them. GARBAGE!!
This crap drives me insane!!! Look at me I shit on this businesses door step give me someplace to live now! Look at me I just shot up in the cabelas bathroom give me someplace to live now! Ok i will it's called the county jail. Instead we cater to these asshats thinking its helping them. GARBAGE!!
The problem is, a lot of them like being in jail. It's comfortable, dry, they get food... Life in there is better than outside and that's how we know they're being treated too well inside.
You cant fix stupid and lazy. If your not mentally ill and living on the streets ur the problem plain and simple and if I had my way you would be incarcerated for trashing the city.

Maybe we could give people like this a bailout like farmers got for policies that out them in a bad spot.
No, I'll state it again, those that have been affected by policies and can no longer afford their mortgage.
Sorry, start living within your means so if bad things happen you have a safety net to pull you through the hard times. If I lost my job today my wife can easily pay our bills, if my wife lost her job today I can easily pay our bills. If we both lost our jobs today we could easily pay our bills for a long time while we made a new plan. Why can we do this because we live within our means and dont create debt that burdens us if bad things happen. If everyone lived by your policy logic comparison everyone would be homeless because they would just blame someone else for their misfortune. Bad things happen to people on the minute everyday and they keep on keeping on instead of finding the nearest pity party.
No, I'll state it again, those that have been affected by policies and can no longer afford their mortgage.
Lifes hard you better have a plan for everything. Cause it's not others job to have a plan for you.
Sorry, start living within your means so if bad things happen you have a safety net to pull you through the hard times. If I lost my job today my wife can easily pay our bills, if my wife lost her job today I can easily pay our bills. If we both lost our jobs today we could easily pay our bills for a long time while we made a new plan. Why can we do this because we live within our means and dont create debt that burdens us if bad things happen. If everyone lived by your policy logic comparison everyone would be homeless because they would just blame someone else for their misfortune. Bad things happen to people on the minute everyday and they keep on keeping on instead of finding the nearest pity party.
You have to factor in a drug habit. Those things are expensive.
“I think it is appropriate at this point for me to admonish both the House managers everyone and the president’s counsel in equal terms to remember that they are addressing the world’s greatest deliberative body some cranks on the internet,” - J. Roberts
They need to do something about the homeless but taking away from public lands is not the answer. California is quickly becoming another Venezuela more ways than one and this is one. You can't keep throwing money at homelessness or giving up public land without first addressing the root causes of homelessness especially mental and employment issues.
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