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Federal Land for the Homeless

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BUT it does enable them. For cripes sakes I'd say it empowers them.

No, it does not. An addict doesn't care if there's a sharps container on every street corner or not. Akin to saying spoons make you fat.

You're worrying about mice while the elephants stomp your guts out.

When was the last time you heard an addict say they started shooting heroin because a sharps bin was available on the street corner? Or that they would quit if you just took down those bins that are just too empowering?

No, it does not. An addict doesn't care if there's a sharps container on every street corner or not. Akin to saying spoons make you fat.

You're worrying about mice while the elephants stomp your guts out.

When was the last time you heard an addict say they started shooting heroin because a sharps bin was available on the street corner?

Never, but I guarantee they were alot more secretive about it before they were given a green light to shoot up anywhere with no consequences.
Whatever policies are in place and have been in place for however long are not working. Regardless of what color put them in place. Its proven just by looking at the places that have implemented them. You cant argue that point the proof is literally laying on the street.
Never, but I guarantee they were alot more secretive about it before they were given a green light to shoot up anywhere with no consequences.

Again, so they hide in the bushes and shoot heroin...then throw their used needle on the ground. Little snot-nosed johnny runs into the bushes to retrieve his cell phone he dropped, and gets poked by that used needle the addict flung on the ground. Now little snot nose has hepatitis, HIV, etc...nice.
Whatever policies are in place and have been in place for however long are not working. Regardless of what color put them in place. Its proven just by looking at the places that have implemented them. You cant argue that point the proof is literally laying on the street.

Providing a place to dispose of used needles was never a policy put in place to stop or decrease drug abuse. It was about keeping innocent people from getting poked by one and contracting life changing diseases, which has kept a lot of used needles off the ground. So, I say the policy is working. Taking them down wont do one thing to stop an addict from shooting up. Fact.
It’s hateful Hillary’s like my friend @BuzzH that’s gonna help the Donald get fo mo.

that said, he’s correct about the Needle efficacy.

And to Buzz’s secret sharer Loco. Yes it’s a federal problem, but you already knew that.
Sorry to hear and your brother is lucky that, more than likely, you or some other family member recognized the problem and dealt with it accordingly. Many aren't that fortunate for all kinds of reasons.

There are varying degrees of mental illness and often times, even those closest to the victims don't recognize mental illness.

Not much keeps me up at night, but I'm haunted by a marker of a kid I went to high school with that I pass on a regular basis in one of my favorite hunting spots. Mind you, this guy isn't a close friend at all, we didn't hang out, but took welding classes together. I saw him and his Dad, dragging a cow elk down a hill and stopped to help them. I stopped and helped and we chatted about how long we'd been out of school and caught up. I hadn't seen him for years. A couple weeks later, he pressed a .357 against his head and pulled the trigger.

The guy needed help and I didn't even recognize that, and neither did his family. So, when people try to tell me that homelessness is a choice? I don't buy it...if we cant even help family and friends, and recognize someone is suffering so badly that they end their in TF do we jump to the conclusion that homelessness is a choice? Seems to me, a person suffering from mental illness would find themselves homeless way before they find themselves on the business end of a .357.

Point being that we need to do a lot more with regard to mental health and if we deal with that FIRST, we will take care of a big, big part of the homeless problem.

So, I wont apologize for being tough on people, the CIC or otherwise, dumbing down the complexities of mental health and homelessness as a "choice"...its irresponsible and ignorant to do that.

Agreed , goes without saying, but my simple minded question remains. If liberals care about people, if government is the solution to our problems, if politicians have the answers, than how can this problem exist in the place with the most of all those things in complete control?

I can tell you all about computer automated manufacturing, how to program a 5 axis cnc machine or how to get productivity out of a room full of folks that the public education system failed to teach how to read a tape measure.

I cant begin to tell you how to solve the homeless/addiction problem. But I know from living there that these folks, the people from that governors family, the Pelosi’s, the Feinstein’s, the Boxers, the Newsoms, are not capable of solving or putting in place the people to solve any of these problems. Their interest lies in lining their own pockets and remaining in control, that is it.
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Providing a place to dispose of used needles was never a policy put in place to stop or decrease drug abuse. It was about keeping innocent people from getting poked by one and contracting life changing diseases, which has kept a lot of used needles off the ground. So, I say the policy is working. Taking them down wont do one thing to stop an addict from shooting up. Fact.
If society says something is ok even when it's not ok weak people are gonna go along with it. If you want to get off drugs and off the street its doesnt help when society is there whispering in your ear that it's ok to do drugs just put your needle in the bin.
It’s hateful Hillary’s like my friend @BuzzH that’s gonna help the Donald get fo mo.

that said, he’s correct about the Needle efficacy.

And to Buzz’s secret sharer Loco. Yes it’s a federal problem, but you already knew that.

Its the last stand of the old, angry, white man that will get Donald "fo mo".

After that last four year run, Katy bar the door...
And yes it is policy. Somewhere some city official or higher up official made it happen to deter certain things from happening like little Johnny's case and to cater to the homeless and let them no we care but not really.
Agreed , goes without saying, but my simple minded question remains. If liberals care about people, if government is the solution to our problems, if politicians have the answers, than how can this problem exist in the place with the most of all those things in complete control?

I can tell you all about computer automated manufacturing, how to program a 5 axis cnc machine or how to get productivity out of a room full of folks that the public education system failed to teach how to read a tape measure.

I cant begin to tell you how to solve the homeless/addiction problem. But I know from living there that these folks, the people from that governors family, the Pelosi’s, the Feinstein’s, the Boxers, the Newsoms, are not capable of solving or putting in place the people to solve any of these problems. Their interest lies in lining their own pockets, that is it.

Yep, and now substitute the Trumps, the Barrasso's, the Enzi's, the Cheney's....yada yada.

THAT is the reason this problem persists...ain't no side has the market corned about not really giving a shit about anything but lining their own pockets.
If society says something is ok even when it's not ok weak people are gonna go along with it. If you want to get off drugs and off the street its doesnt help when society is there whispering in your ear that it's ok to do drugs just put your needle in the bin.



I don't think people are as "weak" as that argument...
Yep, and now substitute the Trumps, the Barrasso's, the Enzi's, the Cheney's....yada yada.

THAT is the reason this problem persists...ain't no side has the market corned about not really giving a shit about anything but lining their own pockets.

All the more reason we should limit their power and keep them all out of our lives. What you think I’m a republican?
Well hell, lets just take down those tempting needle bins...problem solved.

What's next?
Damage has already been done. You can't take them down now it wont help anything.
Next I would start arresting every person that is caught using the street or business steps for a bathroom and every person caught using drugs or that has drugs on them. Once arrested these people can be evaluated for mental illness and the proper steps can be taken from there. If they are mentally stable I say punish them to the fullest extent of the law when it comes to drugs or defecating on the street.
This idea probably has more holes in it than a screen door but atleast I have an idea.
I mean California is the mecca for this. The problems are 1 mile away from Pelosis front door. If they the people with more feelings and compassion in their little toe than everyone else combined on earth cant fix it obviously nobody can. So I give up i guess.
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