Federal land and politics


Active member
Mar 19, 2006
Being from Iowa we get the chance to see a lot of the presidential hopefuls along with a ton of phone calls and junk mail. On two occasions now I have been able to personally ask my Senator Chuck Grassley (rep) and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee about the sale or transfer of our public lands. Both responses were pretty similar. Tonight I told Huckabee I'm conservative by nature and a sportsman and it used to be easy for me to vote as I felt the republican party had my back but I don't feel that way anymore. I asked if he could educate me and the small crowd present about the subject. Basically he said we have this debt and this valuable asset of public land. Then rattles of the percentages of public lands of a handful of states, mostly western Then tells a story about when he was first married, wife had health issues, couldn't make ends meet eating ramen noodles and can soup and had to sell off some of his prized belongings. Don't worry we wouldn't sell any national monuments or parks but the other lands should be considered for sale. Neither politician looked me in the eye when they answered my question. Kind a reminded me of my dog when she does something wrong and won't look at me so she doesn't get in trouble. So I guess its ok for the government to overspend and then sell off your public lands to pay for their misbehavior. I'm not political but thought this might be of some use to those who really don't believe they would do this. Right now I can't think of a candidate who doesn't want to sell our public lands. But hey were good on guns.
So, these guys run up a debt that our kids have to pay. Then they want to sell the land that has been preserved for generations so the kids can't use that either? Sometimes I fear Donald Trump might be our best bet to not sell off our land.

Am I wrong to often wonder if "The Greatest Generation" raised the worst one?
That's crazy logic to lose public land forever for a small short term gain that's just a drop in the bucket towards the national debt.
So, these guys run up a debt that our kids have to pay. Then they want to sell the land that has been preserved for generations so the kids can't use that either? Sometimes I fear Donald Trump might be our best bet to not sell off our land.

Am I wrong to often wonder if "The Greatest Generation" raised the worst one?

I agree. Fortunately Huckabee doesn't stand a chance of getting elected.
I agree. Fortunately Huckabee doesn't stand a chance of getting elected.

Cruz however does, and he's been even stronger on the issue. Trump hasn't said much to my knowledge. As bad as Obama has been on some things, the next presidency could be a real disaster.
What an absolutely idiotic analogy. If you sell off your belongings to pay down bills, but don't curb your spending habits, guess what? You just end up in debt again but without the assets your dumb ass already sold to get rid of your debt.
So, these guys run up a debt that our kids have to pay. Then they want to sell the land that has been preserved for generations so the kids can't use that either? Sometimes I fear Donald Trump might be our best bet to not sell off our land.

Am I wrong to often wonder if "The Greatest Generation" raised the worst one?

He and his sons were given the mic at the Outdoor TV awards show tonight. They didn't talk for too long and of the few points they mentioned, they did say, "If Donald Trump is President, under no circumstance will your public lands be transferred to the states, nor will you have to worry about any other effort that would result in those lands being sold."

The fact that he took the time to make that topic one of his few comments in this setting caught my attention.
Speaking of Trump, there is a series of interviews with his son on the Bowsite if you are interested.

There is also a substantial train wreck of a thread involving BHA too.
I don't know how trustable Trump is, but he's the absolute only conservative canidate I've heard yet say he will not give public lands to the state or sell them.

I don't think Trump is a conservative candidate. I think he's saying what needs to be said for the primaries, then he'll say what needs to be said for the election. Then, when he's in, he'll be a liberal businessman who expects his fellow businessmen to internalize their costs (not socialize them) and he'll wheel and deal on foreign policy.

He doesn't care if you do drugs.
He doesn't care if you abort your fetus.
He doesn't care if you munch carpet or smoke pole.
He doesn't care if you have an arsenal and carry it.
He doesn't care if you hunt.
He'll protect public lands and let agencies do their job.
He won't build a wall.
He won't ban Muslims.
He won't support violations of privacy or of the Bill of Rights.
He'll tell you to say Merry Christmas if you feel like it, and then tell you to STFU.
He doesn't care if foreign states prop up their boys so long as we can prop up ours.
He won't pursue democracy abroad, or remove corks from bottles, or kill our troops.
He'll leave American business to fend for itself over seas, and protect it here at home.
He'll wheel and deal on trade agreements with the people's best interests at heart.
He'll tell the fringe on both sides to mind their own business, quit whining like little bitches, get a life, and learn to laugh.
He'll go to the people and tell them to tell their Representatives and Senators what he wants done. He'll place blame on the people since they deserve it.
He'll have fun.

I intend to vote for Bernie Sanders but if it comes down to Trump v Clinton, I'll be voting Trump, hands down. At least that's how I feel as things stand right now. Always subject to change. :cool: But I could never see myself voting for Clinton, Bush, Cruz or Rubio. They are all hacks for "the system".
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He and his sons were given the mic at the Outdoor TV awards show tonight. They didn't talk for too long and of the few points they mentioned, they did say, "If Donald Trump is President, under no circumstance will your public lands be transferred to the states, nor will you have to worry about any other effort that would result in those lands being sold."

The fact that he took the time to make that topic one of his few comments in this setting caught my attention.

That is awesome makes me like the guy even more. Unfortunately it seems this issue is barely on most candidate's radar.
I don't think Trump is a conservative candidate. I think he's saying what needs to be said for the primaries, then he'll say what needs to be said for the election. Then, when he's in, he'll be a liberal businessman who expects his fellow businessmen to internalize their costs (not socialize them) and he'll wheel and deal on foreign policy.

He doesn't care if you do drugs.
He doesn't care if you abort your fetus.
He doesn't care if you munch carpet or smoke pole.
He doesn't care if you have an arsenal and carry it.
He doesn't care if you hunt.
He'll protect public lands and let agencies do their job.
He won't build a wall.
He won't ban Muslims.
He won't support violations of privacy or of the Bill of Rights.
He'll tell you to say Merry Christmas if you feel like it, and then tell you to STFU.
He doesn't care if foreign states prop up their boys so long as we can prop up ours.
He won't pursue democracy abroad, or remove corks from bottles, or kill our troops.
He'll leave American business to fend for itself over seas, and protect it here at home.
He'll wheel and deal on trade agreements with the people's best interests at heart.
He'll tell the fringe on both sides to mind their own business, quit whining like little bitches, get a life, and learn to laugh.
He'll go to the people and tell them to tell their Representatives and Senators what he wants done. He'll place blame on the people since they deserve it.
He'll have fun.

I intend to vote for Bernie Sanders but if it comes down to Trump v Clinton, I'll be voting Trump, hands down. At least that's how I feel as things stand right now. Always subject to change. :cool: But I could never see myself voting for Clinton, Bush, Cruz or Rubio. They are all hacks for "the system".

Agreed James. I actually admire Bernie Sanders in a lot of ways. I believe he actually tells people what he believes and isn't a classic politician. If it comes down to Clinton and Trump I will most likely go Trump. I used to be a lot more conservative than I am now but the Republican Party has gone off path playing political games and agendas to much and in the end they are burning their own party to the ground. America is a great country, but we could learn from other countries without being completely stuck in our ways of wanting to revert to what we've always done. Whatever canidate keeps public lands public I will vote for, any of those who are for transfers or sales I will never vote for... NO MATTER HOW GOOD THEY ARE ON GUNS. Politicians always use the same talking points, but the economy, domestic instability, and international instability are just a reality. If we lose these lands they are gone forever and that's for sure, and I'm not willing to cast a vote that ensures their demise.
+2 JR.
I'm feeling a Bern.
And no way will vote for Clinton or the other GOP candidates that do not have my best interests in mind.
I'll go write in if I have to this election,again. I am a decline to state voter,and usually keep it to myself.
I do not vote against my best interests. I look into who is who and what they represent. For real.
Trump bringing the mouth slut from AK into his tent,just cost him any chance at my vote.

If I just spent & or used a card to cover costs without bringing in any income, I would be in debt too.

If I believed every rich con man I who told me I will benefit by making him richer at my expense and would someday see a return too................... I would be a fool.
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He and his sons were given the mic at the Outdoor TV awards show tonight. They didn't talk for too long and of the few points they mentioned, they did say, "If Donald Trump is President, under no circumstance will your public lands be transferred to the states, nor will you have to worry about any other effort that would result in those lands being sold."

The fact that he took the time to make that topic one of his few comments in this setting caught my attention.
That last sentence if very telling to me! I prefer his stance on that issue than what I've heard from many of his competitors. I know for me, public lands are a deal-breaker issue for me.
I have never known a landowner that when they got in over their head with debt that did not start to sell off their land. I doubt the our government will be any different. Transferring federal land to the states is a really dumb idea but when the country reaches its debt limit all we may wish that the land had been given to the states. I am not talking about the phony debt limit that all the politicians make a big show about either voting for or against depending on who is in control. The real debt limit is when people either refuse to lend or demand much higher interest.
The good thing is that this current push on federal lands has more to do with how they are managed. I suspect that even Cruz would change his attitude from the states can manage better, to I can.

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