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Favorite Hunt/Species to Hunt


New member
Sep 3, 2016
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Hello y'all, I'm new to the forum. I've been watching Randy's videos and listening to the podcast for a bit now and thought I'd join the forum. As you could guess I was born and raised in Arkansas and grew up hunting whitetail and waterfowl. This year I'm going to seriously start hunting black bear (we hunt in the fall here.) I'm currently a student at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, but I initially started school in Central Texas. That's where I learned that not everyone has a million acres of public land in their backyard, and of the importance of access and places to hunt for the average guy (especially broke college students.) I will be going with two of my best friends next year for my first elk hunt. While looking around the forum for information I noticed guys who are extremely passionate about hunting and enjoy every moment in the woods. So as someone who is deeply interested in Western hunting I thought I would ask the more experienced hunters, what is your favorite species in the West to hunt? Or if you prefer a hunt if you could you'd relive?
Welcome, highcountry muleys in early season can't pinpoint any single reason why but just love it. I have had some great hunts but don't want to relive any want to make the next great memory...and if all goes as planned maybe share a few with my daughter when she gets old enough and before my body limits me!

Welcome from Colorado. I love archery elk hunting, but I'm not quite very good at You can't beat spot and stalk antelope hunting, though.
Illinois here. I'm a BIG fan of archery whitetail, and do just as good with my muzzleloader. Been out west for elk twice and came home with tag soup both times. Two bear hunts, one in Maine and one in Idaho. Scored a colored bear out west and had a blast, meeting someone who is now one of my very best friends. Killed a gator in Louisiana just like on "Swamp People", and recently got back from a Roe deer hunt in England that was one of the highlights of my hunting career so far. Whitetail are way too much fun for me, but I hope to end that soon and retire to Alaska and start a new "favorite" critter up there!
If anybody says that pronghorn aren't the most FUN, they are lying. I personally have to say I daydream about mule deer, but pronghorn are really a blast.
Antelope is probably my favorite. Although open country elk and deer are pretty darn fun to chase too.
As far as fun, antelope is up there at the top for me too. It's usually a much more casual, relaxed hunt, you can sleep in, there's usually lots of opportunity.

But whitetail hunting here at home is what is in my blood. I've done it every year since I started as a kid, and would go into a deep depression if I had to sit out a season.
when i was a kid growing up in Alaska it was caribou for me, now living in Oregon its whatever tag i have in my pocket, i just enjoy getting out and being in the woods around the animals, i enjoy getting to see them as much as trying to hang my tag on one. but the animal i have yet to hunt and think most about is getting to hunt is whitetails , dont have those here in oregon, in a few years i will head east to idaho to OTC for a buck, you could through in antelope as well i think about chasing those as well, there at the top of my list as well. its 1 and 1a for me
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If anybody says that pronghorn aren't the most FUN, they are lying. I personally have to say I daydream about mule deer, but pronghorn are really a blast.

I agree, antelope are my #1 I just love hunting them, but mule deer are a close second.
Pronghorn antelope, Love the open prairies. And Spring Wild Turkey, love the gobble and the spring woodlands.
That's a tough question. If I was forced to only hunt one species for the rest of my life, I'd choose pronghorn. I would be sad though because I love the challenge of finding elk and the excitement of seeing my dog point pheasants.
Elk in high country in fresh snow, with a good camp with a load of dry firewood and a pot of stew waiting for after it gets dark. After that, whatever is next!
I think for me it has to be elk. I love the calling aspect of it and I much prefer the more active hunting style as opposed to sitting in a tree for hours at a time.
Nothing has ever come close to being in the mountains in October or November chasing elk. It has relegated whitetail to a distant second.
To paraphrase that bright & bouncy blonde chick on "How I met your Mother".....Lope's, Lope's, LOPE'S !!!! :D
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