Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

I'm with ya 1 pointer . . . . I thought . . . . I don't even know this guy and he's calling me out! :)

Stay with it Nick. I, too, am determined to drop 40 to 50 lbs this year by December. My true goal is to lose 50 by the time I turn 50. I just tell myself . . . I didn't put it on that fast, so don't plan on taking it off that fast. I plan on losing 5 lbs a month. Should be at my goal by October.

I'm a routine kind of guy. I get up at 4:30 AM, get to the YMCA at 5:00 AM do a Spinning class (average 17 miles) and then swim 1,500 yards M-W-F. On T-TH I get to YMCA at 5:30 AM and swim 2,500 yards. I go to work after my workout(s). I have an Excel spreadsheet set up and track my weight, diet, and calorie intake. I try not to take in more than 1,800 to 2,000 calories a day. The thing I have noticed is you actually have to eat to lose weight. What I mean is; if you do not eat enough . . . your body kicks in to "starvation mode" and you won't have encouraging results, so the 5 -6 small meals a day is a good philosphy. There is a gentleman at the Y that I have gotten to know, he is 104 years old . . . he told me a while ago what works for him (at his age) and that is to "just keep moving". No kidding . . . . just do something. Anything is better than nothing. When the weather permits, I will ride my bike to work (5 miles one way), 5 days a week. This has helped me over the summer get ready for archery and rifle seasons.

Do what works for you . . . . stay with the program, Nick. Many of us are right there with you.
I am on weight watchers - I figure the $40 per month is a good investment in my future, plus once you reach your goal weight, if you maintain your weight loss, it is free. Sometimes I pay, sometimes it is free.

WW functions on the basis of making permanent changes to your eating and exercise habits, plus they provide lots of support - both food plans (don't think diet) and the psychology of eating.

As has been said before on this thread, if you want to keep the weight off, you need a permanent change in eating habits.

Good luck.
My wife did this and it worked. She lost the weight she wanted and has kept it off for over a year. WW does teach you to permanently change your eating habits.
Down to 278 this morning. The death of a goal (under 280). Birth of another...I want to be under 270 by the 15th of February. That's 17 days to lose 8 lbs. should be pretty doable. Been drinking the green juice about 40 oz. per day, working out most mornings and eating a little protein now and then. So far so good.
Congrats to you on reaching a goal. 1-2 pounds per week is a healthy weight loss rate.