Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

F&S and Mr Hal Herring ask some tough, pointed questions

We are blessed to have thinkers like Hal and even more blessed that he has big platforms that allow him to put his unique perspectives into words.
Go Hal!

Thankfully that article will be read and shared by a ton of concerned hunters.

Appreciate you sharing it!
On one hand, I wish it were shorter so more would take the time to read it. On the other hand, something would be missing if even a word were edited out.

One of the best articles I've read in quite a while. Thanks for sharing.
I am surprised that the full extent of industry and political attacks on our healthy water, air and land is so easy for sportsmen to disregard, rationalize away, or ignore in the voting booth as the lesser of 2 evils. The Sierra Club holds sportsmen's interests (preserving the environment we occupy for sports, living, breathing, growing food) in far higher regard than the NRA, for example. If you haven't had a questioning thought about which politicians are the best advocates for nature and outdoor sports like hunting and fishing, you have likely voted against those interests. Often.
"You don't know what you got till it's gone" It's getting easy to convince people that environmental regulations are nothing but a Liberal plot to destroy the economy when they are too young to remember or old enough but don't care to remember what it was like before the regs. How many folks here remember when Lake Erie was so polluted it caught on fire? The environmental movement at the end of the 20th century worked too well now it's hard to get people passionate about something they take for granted.
I remember being shamed in my mid teens at my family's elk camp because I mentioned support for a local movement to cleanup a small salmon creek that was being abused by the adjacent lumber mill. Despite their best attempts to "set me straight" I just couldn't see why we had to sacrifice that stream in order to have jobs in the community. I don't participate in that camp anymore but have found plenty of other hunters since who still preach that gospel. And it still doesn't make much sense.
We have local retired game warden that now writes an outdoor column for small paper, it serves about 3 counties in upstate NY. He mentioned in a column that we should demanding more from our mostly republican law makers then just no votes on gun control issues. He showed examples of where they should be standing up for access, clean air and water and funding for fish and wildlife. Needless to say he was lambasted by area "sportsmen" in letters to the editor. I read comments online in places like bowsite and I am floored by the indifference that is shown by sportsman when it comes to clean air, water and public lands.
Hal nails it; I could’ve listened to him and McGuane talk on the recent BCHA podcast for many more hours.
As a thanks to Field & Stream I subscribed for a year. I also sent an email explaining that my subscription was based on their support of public lands and water.
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