Extreme elk magazine- stories wanted!


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Congrats to all the lucky hunters who tagged out this fall! Our first year at Extreme Elk has surpassed our expectations due to your support! Thank you :)
We are gearing up for 2013 and are in need of more of your elk hunting stories. Stories of the hunt accompanied by photos of the trophy, scenery, packing, and camp are just what the Doctor ordered. We are giving away some great gear from our sponsors if your story is published such as: Vortex Optics, Sitka Gear, Heads-up Decoys, Zamberlan, and Trophy Taker just to name a few.

If you would like your story to be considered for publication shoot an email to- [email protected] or [email protected]
Sounds good guys. Will definitely be sending you a story in the future. Do you guys have a deadline for submissions?
I subscribed to Extreme Elk Magazine for your inaugural year and just wanted to say NICE WORK! Love the articles, pictures and entire magazine. Keep it up. I'll look back at my pics and see if there are any "Magazine quality" ones there. Looking forward to 2013's issues!
Best of luck with the magazine, i got my subscription and back issues the other day. A nice read and good layout from what i have looked over so far. Be great to one day see some overseas elk/maral hunting articles in there, like Asia/Europe etc to diversify the content and educate readers a bit on other elk sub species and their management or lack of.
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