PEAX Equipment

Evan McMullin?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The Driftless Area
First off, I am reluctant to post this because I hate talking politics because of the polarization it brings between people. However, I do like to be educated on the candidates with unbiased facts. I had never heard of this guy until yesterday. But now, I have seen lots of my facebook peeps posting or liking him. I looked at his website for a little bit and saw he was from Utah. After I saw he was from the state of Utah I drew my own conclusions on his public land stance without investigating further. Am I correct in my assumption that he is pro public land transfer/sale?
Nobody knows!
I suspect that he can do pretty well against his running mates without ever choosing a stance on anything.
He is forcing the public to decide. Do we vote the known evil or the unknown?
"Evan McMullin believes in the wisdom of the Tenth Amendment, which reserves for state governments and for individuals all the powers that the Constitution doesn’t explicitly give to the federal government."

I do believe that he would be a person who would transfer the public lands to the states.
He appears to me to be from a "Constitution" wing of the Republican Party that would be pro- land transfer. I personally wouldn't vote for him.
A few days ago I sat down and researched, hard, every single candidate that would be on the ballot to try to find one I could stomach voting for. Evan caught my attention but, like you, I could not find a stance on public lands anywhere. I drew the same conclusion as Duder and Grizzly. I think he would be a pro-transfer candidate. Unfortunately "land transfer" and "conservative" seem to go together right now. It's is a big problem for someone like me that has generally conservative viewpoints but who lives to roam our public lands.
I sense pro-transfer myself. I have looked all over and he is never asked about it. He'll definately hurt Trump if he wins Utah. Thing that's interesting about they guy is he could (slim chance) keep em both under 270 if he gets Utah and another state. And then the House would decide who gets president. I swear, they'd pick Hillary :hump:

So thumbs down for me.

He got a lot of press today from FOX and CNN
My gut feeling is following what everyone else has said. His principles would likely align him with the transfer nuts.
I agree that he has the potential to hurt Trumps campaign but splitting the electoral college. You think?
The alc in utah says evan mulligan is now supporting transfer public lands. That was posted on their Facebook October 22nd.
Jiminy crickets, should have looked at the last comment before researching and posting my own. My bad.