Yeti GOBOX Collection

Episode 51 - Fred Eichler and Kyle Lamb

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
I just loaded this episode last night. It was a lot of fun to record. I've sat on it for a few extra weeks, as I wanted to break up some of the seriousness of politics, policy, public land defense, stupid bills in state legislatures, and provide a bit of humor to remind people that even with all the serious battles at hand, there is time for laughs.

Most of you know Fred from his TV shows, his writing, and his hunting with a traditional bow. Fred's background as a trapper is where I first connected with him, long before TV was in any of our plans. And yes, Fred is as excitable in person as you see on TV.

Kyle is very well known in the military and tactical world due to his background as a Delta Force operator and being one of the guys sent in to the real life situation we all watched in the movie Blackhawk Down. Being a good South Dakota farm boy, Kyle came from the hunting trapping background and has followed our stuff for some time. When he first reached out to me a few years back, I thought it was one of those prank calls.

All three of us end up at a lot of Leupold functions, given we are all Leupold ambassadors. Seems that now matter how many people are at the function, the three of us end up around a table telling old stories and hunting lies.

I hope you appreciate an episode without any politics. From here on out, I suspect episodes will carry a heavy dose of public land issues, policy, how politics is hijacking conservation, and other important topics relevant to our platforms. Next episode has three infamous Hunt Talkers as my guest, where we engage in some serious politico-conservation examination.

Thanks to Fred and Kyle for taking the time to do this. I know they are just as busy, or busier than, I am at these trade shows. Would be fun to do another one from a hunting camp where we leave the TV cameras behind.

Links to our podcast are here :

Thanks for listening.
Absolutely the best one so far. I got caught more than once sitting at a light laughing out loud by the person in the next car over. It's refreshing to step back from the nonsense and remember why we got into hunting to begin with.
Listened to this today, hilarious stuff! I could listen to Kyle tell stories all day
Tried to listen to this in the back of an airliner on my commute home from work yesterday. Got a lot of strange looks from all the laughing out loud!! OnXMaps for precision trespassing was histerical :D
As fromer military, I appreciate the "other" hunting stories. Probably more than we should...
Great podcast Randy. I really enjoyed the humor. Sometimes we forget you have a sense of humor, because you are forced to talk about serious political topics so often. I'd love to watch the wolf hunt you guys talked about doing.
Randy - this podcast kicked butt!!! I loved it! I loved Kyle's "hunting" stories and hope to hear more of them sometime..... Hint, hint! ;)

Keep up the great work!
As fromer military, I appreciate the "other" hunting stories. Probably more than we should...

X2 for sure. I was rolling laughing so hard my wife came in to see what was up. I replayed the Hodgie flashbang story for her! She just looked at me shook her head and said something about it being like Cook-e never left (army buddy lived with us for a few months after we got home and he had gotten a dear john letter)
Geez guys don't feed Kyle's big head anymore. The dude is clearly an egomaniac. I had to turn the show off in disgust after he starts joking about rounding up an entire village and then "sorting them out". Completely unconstitutional and against any reasonable idea of God given natural rights. I dint think you all would be laughing if it was your wife and kids getting rounded up by heavily armed foreigners. Not funny, not funny at all.
While I laughed out loud at much of it, portions of Kyle's stories went beyond what I find entertaining or amusing. I can't think that he and I would agree on much in life.
That was frickin hilarious wow!!! Like others I got some strange looks from laughing so hard. Thanks!!!

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