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EP052: Hunt Talkers Take Over the Podcast

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
If you have not already done so, you might want to listen to the most recent podcast that went live today. It includes three Hunt Talkers; Oak, JR, and Dinkshooter.

It was a ton of fun to talk with three guys who "walk the walk" in a huge way. Thanks guys. Appreciate you taking the time.

Listening options are below.

Haven't listened to it yet, but wouldn't be surprised if Dinkshooter through out his "Eastern Tenderfoot" term.
I just listened to it & enjoyed it. Got a few good laughs on the way. Still trying to put voices to faces known & unknown.

Really liked your end topic of involvement in Public Lands issues,and involvement,commitment & the cost.
I try and stay involved in these issues & other issues connected here in my adopted home of NM. Taking a stand,making comments & having a big RMEF "Hunting is Conservation", HT ,BHA stickers on my trucks are my increased involvement lately. My attitude is identical to BF's statement of stance.
I'm old ,grey,not quite done yet and the line in the sand has been drawn. I will defend it.
Where I live 90% of the income & jobs comes from,on ,around,and or due to these public lands.
Yet these NM old school ranching,old boys click,wink,wink we always doned it this way attitude will bite them in the ass. One way or another.
I had been very active in many of these issues over the years. Was on boards ,peer review teams,habitat restoration projects,Congressional meetings and so on.
Turns out retiring & moving to NM to become a silent hermit was not in the cards. I think my Congressman(persons?) & the heads of G&F dept.s cringe when they hear I'm calling.
Mom was from northern Minnesota just south of Big Falls and while I never lived there some how I picked up the short hand of "doncha know" which is "you know". I never noticed how much I say it until listening to the podcast. LOL
I thought dinkshooter would have a more manly voice ;)u
anyone care to post that famous Hunt Talk Forum picture they were laughing about?
I would like to see this famed picture as well.

Really liked hearing this podcast. Good to put voices to some handles from people doing good stuff.

I heard the Elkhorns Bighorn Sheep fiasco mentioned. Last year I saw a lamb in the Elkhorns, and have seen pictures of others on FB. Still a few remnants hanging out in that area.

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