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Dianne Feinstein proposed bill

This is a typical political tactic. Even the Dems know her spew would never pass the bulk of their own party. So they allow the kook to throw a hail-mary. Then as they negotiate and in the interest of "compromise" they pull back some. And in the end, they anti-gun legislators get the legislation they were targeting in the first place. (And make it seem like they made sacrifices)
The questioning of various specific firearms and accessories included in these proposed restrictions speaks to the heart of the issue. Simply drawing a "line in the sand," standing firm-footed, and saying "No, no, no!" to those strict gun control advocates is going to result in such outlandish restrictions, in my opinion. I continue to advocate for NRA and other gun owner representation to offer more reasonable controls and concessions of some kind to get this back to something more acceptable. The gunshow "loophole" is a good place to start, I think.

Just saying "NO!" to Feinstein won't work.
I love how they always go back to "but your hunting rifles will be ok." I beg any of them to show me where in the bill of rights the word "hunting" is listed. It isn't about hunting, it is about the right to bear arms. Period. This is just their way to get us to voluntarily give up our rights a little at a time.
This crap makes me sick to my stomach. I hope there is no way in HELL this passes. Well, at least I don't own any guns anymore. Sold them all to some guy at a gunshow last weekend...can't remember his name for the life of me!
I love how they always go back to "but your hunting rifles will be ok." I beg any of them to show me where in the bill of rights the word "hunting" is listed. It isn't about hunting, it is about the right to bear arms. Period. This is just their way to get us to voluntarily give up our rights a little at a time.

Because your average Americal Sheeple think the 2nd Amendment is only for hunitng :(
This is what the libtards want.. a ban of way more then "assault rifles" And if it gets to gun hating Obama's desk to be signed in, he will do it. He has no re-election worries and his past voting record will shine through.

Hey Smalts... don't worry.... Ben Lamb has told us that Pres. Obama is a friend of the hunter & outdoorsman.

It's things like this that made me switch from a Democrat to a Republican.

good luck to all
the dog
If you give them an inch, will they take a mile?

I don't know; 'depends on what Republican support joins in ... and there is some being vocal now. But if you plant your feet, set your jaw, and merely say, "NO, we won't accept any change!" then they will likely take at least two miles.
I don't consider myself much of an alarmist, but this has me concerned enough that I went out and got another 10/22 this afternoon.
I believe I pointed this out in a different thread, when I described how the AR ban would start and subsequently end. Now, the proposal to eliminate your heirs from inheriting certain guns, is really overstepping all bounds of sanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Smalts... don't worry.... Ben Lamb has told us that Pres. Obama is a friend of the hunter & outdoorsman.

It's things like this that made me switch from a Democrat to a Republican.

good luck to all
the dog

Tell me again how good the R's have been.
This crap makes me sick to my stomach. I hope there is no way in HELL this passes. Well, at least I don't own any guns anymore. Sold them all to some guy at a gunshow last weekend...can't remember his name for the life of me!

sold all mine to my wifes dead grandfather,about 2 yeaers ago,before he died he gave them back to some one i do not know:hump:
the scarecrow,if she only had a brain,im sorry,i just insulted a scare crow.:hump:
The questioning of various specific firearms and accessories included in these proposed restrictions speaks to the heart of the issue. Simply drawing a "line in the sand," standing firm-footed, and saying "No, no, no!" to those strict gun control advocates is going to result in such outlandish restrictions, in my opinion. I continue to advocate for NRA and other gun owner representation to offer more reasonable controls and concessions of some kind to get this back to something more acceptable. The gunshow "loophole" is a good place to start, I think.

Just saying "NO!" to Feinstein won't work.

I think you are wrong on so many fronts. There are no "more reasonable controls and concessions". They aren't able to enforce the gun laws they already have on the books, besides whats reasonable to you or I is obviously not reasonable to the likes of Feinstein or Biden. Do you not understand that this is the government that the framers warned us about, the potential government that prompted them to draft the 2nd Amendment? This is the line in the sand!

I will not capitulate. I will not voluntarily or otherwise sell my firearms back to the Feds. I will not register them or any ammo feeding devices either. I will not live to see the day they are confiscated either.
Fj40, I am "wrong" in the sense that what you submit is valid. However, I am a pragmatist and realize that change of some kind is highly likely, if not certain. All I am saying is that firmly sitting on the "line" and not really participating in the discussion of changes will make you a passive "victim" of the changes and your "line in the sand" becomes moot.

The other reality is that Feinstein, Biden, and those others who are actively and aggressively engaged in this debate are part of the government, duly elected .... whether or not you and I like it.
Fj40, I am "wrong" in the sense that what you submit is valid. However, I am a pragmatist and realize that change of some kind is highly likely, if not certain. All I am saying is that firmly sitting on the "line" and not really participating in the discussion of changes will make you a passive "victim" of the changes and your "line in the sand" becomes moot.

The other reality is that Feinstein, Biden, and those others who are actively and aggressively engaged in this debate are part of the government, duly elected .... whether or not you and I like it.

And all took an oath to uphold the Constitution which they are not necessarily fullfilling. Duly elected or not, the Constitution is the law of the land and lays out the framework of our federal government. It constrains the federal government, a fact which these people seem to have forgotten. They can legislate anything they want but if it exeeds the limits set by the Constitution then "We the people" have no obligation to comply.

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