Death to Big Fin

Dear Ms. Thomas,
I am glad to hear that you and many of your friends are working! That is an incredible blessing during such trying economic times! Congratulations on your success!
As you can imagine, I myself am incredible passionate about having my own job during this time period, and am proud of the work that I do. Therefore, you will understand when I express my concern over your disapproval of my work. Could you please clarify what it is exactly about my work that has you so "up in arms?"
If it is simply about hunting, I would love to hear your objections and foster an open and honest dialogue with you about this human past-time. You see, hunting has been a part of human history since the first page was written.
I'm unsure as to whether you have watched my recent wolf hunt or not, but will assume that you have since that is where a majority of complaints such as yours have come from. I would encourage you to review this hunt, however, as I have addressed many concerns that you are probably hiding behind your wishes of violence. It is only when honest dialogue is created that our differences can be understood and celebrated. I am more than willing to listen to your concerns, but would ask for you to accept that same dialogue on your behalf, keeping your mind open to other ways of thinking, rather than closing your mind to media-created lies that paint me as some sort of primitive, murderous rage-monster.
If and when you are willing to discuss, I welcome a dialogue with you to uncover our differences, explain ourselves openly and honestly, and work towards bettering our great country. However, if you would rather continue with your ridiculous threats of violence, it is my personal preference that you discontinue all contact with me, as I do not waste my time on idle threats which can be defined as "terroristic" in nature. I have chosen to open myself up to you, welcoming discussion, instead of simply turning tail and running to the authorities with your threats. If you would welcome the same, please respond.
Dear Ms. Thomas;

Thanks you for your kind thoughts, and support for OYOA.
When I receive comments like yours, I know my show is reaching a quality audience.
Your gracious and well spoken words inspire me to plan more wolf hunts for our show in the future.
Once again, thanks you so much

Always, Randy

Thank you for watching the show! The time constraints of a television show often prevent me from including all of the background information concerning each hunt. In this particular case, the offending wolf had been convicted on multiple counts of "criminal threats against livestock", "destruction of property with an unlicensed wind machine", and "attempted kidnapping of a minor while impersonating a senior citizen - with intent to devour" and was attempting to elude Federal Authorities. Perhaps this additional information will add some clarity to the "Fairy Tale" world in which you seem to live.

Warmest Regards,
Big Fin

Yes when we smoked this wolf it was needed for the health of the prey and livestock.
Speaking of health when it comes to wolves some say we should smoke a pack a day. But we don't . Carry on .
ms. Thomas,
thank you for your interest in my passion of hunting. I have taken the liberty of adding you as a facebook friend and hope you will like my fan page as well. If you ever have any need for a guide or hunting partner please feel free to ask me for assistance. I am not above hunting moo cows, chickens, and pigs for your personal benefits of having some standard protein in your diet.

best regards,

Randy Newberg.

P.S. I really do hope we can be facebook friends!
Hey Randy, I'm up at Leech Lake trying to catch a few eyes. The bite was a little slow this afternoon, still it was better than the game tonight. Here's my thoughts to Kimberly....

Dear Kimberly,

I'm not sure if you're aware, but one can't spell Skol with Joe Webb nor can you spell.

Tommy Kraemer
Dear Ms. Thomas,

Usually this type of banter amuses the Mrs. and me to no end. But as I find myself recovering from a spanking handed out today by the cheese heads I'm somewhat in a mischievous mood and would like to offer my simple rebuttal.

I'll be honest with you I feel somewhat smitten that you would have a posse of individuals planning my demise. From your persistent emails I've gathered that you find my natural instinct to hunt and gather, how should I put it...repulsive. Everyone has their own opinion, and I respect that freedom of speech as much as I respect the 2nd amendment.

That being said, there is no way I could ever waver from my primordial instincts, putting aside of course the actual act of killing itself. I would be denying my own family and many other needy families that I provide for the ability to sustain themselves in this bleak economy. Yes I film some of my hunts for the public, but as you know from watching my show we are not always successful, and that hunting is not always about killing something, but in the value of the company you keep and the experiences you have during the journey.

I sincerely hope you and your coworkers can find it in your hearts to refrain from any further emails at least until the Superbowl is over. If you could do this I would very much appreciate it.

Randy Newberg & The Friends of OYOA.

P.S. If you pre-ordered season 4 you should be receiving it this coming week.
I would take a little different approach in my email to her. I would troll her a little bit by responding with a 'personalized' form letter - nothing bothers people quite as much as the idea that they really don't count. Everyone wants to feel special and like their voice has been heard.

I think DDD might be the author of nearly very response letter I've gotten from politicians. I'm never surprised by this type of response, but it does let you know they just don't care.
I'd use DDD's heartfelt response letter.:D
Dear Ms. Thomas,

My new "Wolf-Skin" boxer shorts are very comfortable! Thank you for asking!


Randy "Big Fin" Newberg
You guys are good.

Anyone know how to find someone's address via their email? I would love to send her some OYOA goodies. Maybe even some jerky or specialty meats. Wonder if she would eat it, or let it go to waste?

You should be able to find her through IP address.
OPTION 1: When I send an e-mail to a bad address I get a 'MAILER-DAEMON' response. or something like that.
Tells me my message was not read and that I had a bad addy-try another e-mail account. you could format a similar looking response.or.....


(and I would make it so)
Randy, how about this one.

I will happily trap a few and send them to your home, so that you may raise your family around animals that would thoroughly enjoy having you or your children for breakfast.
Dear Kim, I don't know the meaning of the word creatinous but if you and you friends feel it is derogatory to hunters I will proudly consider myself creatinous. Randy Newburg
Kim, So nice of you to take the time to E-Mail me. We all find our place in life that make us get up in the morning, hating someone you don't know is a terrible way to spend one's life. Have you tried Looking forward to your recovery, Randy.
I went ahead and sent one to her myself. :D

Ms. Thomas,

I saw the wish of death you posted to Randy Newberg from On You Own Adventures regarding the Wolf Hunt Episode aired last year.

I cannot fathom what has happened in your life, that has had you come to value the life of an animal, over the life of a fellow human being.

The problem in our society isn't guns, nor hunting, or even our ability to disagree so vehemently about issues that we don't have the same opinion about. It boils down to the attitude you have displayed, in that people are so quick to wish death or kill each other over something so trivial as a disagreement.

I will be praying for you in 2013, and I hope that you are prosperous and blessed beyond your ability to comprehend.


I am sure it wont get read, but it made me feel a little better knowing I clogged her inbox. LOL
Dear Kim, Arent you the same woman that wanted the deer crossing signs removed from the highways so they wouldnt cross there?? Hows that working for you?? Maybe you could dedicate your time to becoming a crossing guard to protect those innocent creatures instead of breaking the law and harrassing legal hunters!! Have a nice day!!!! :) Randy
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