Sitka Pre Season Savings

Death to Big Fin

Dear MS. Thomas...

We all differ in our opinions regarding how each should act in our daily lives. Your pronouncement that I should die by the hands of another hunter is truly disturbing and indeed you should rethink your position. I/we as hunters ascribe to fair chase hunts and true conservation. Preservation of the introduced wolf packs will not be entirely diminished any time in the near future. We, as law abiding citizen hunters, will continue to hunt all legal species and not be intimidated by your slanted, disturbing comments. Thank you for your attention to this reply and have a great day. Respectfully, ______ ________

I tend to treat all disturbing emails, threats and or comments from bunny huggers as misguided blather. Most do not have a working knowledge of scientific game management or common sense ideas regarding this issue. I normally will not enter into a discussion of this nature as most bunny huggers have their minds made up and will not budge. But, a threat is a threat and Big Fin should treat it as such. I do believe that a polite, but short, response is always proper and will give little or no ammunition to the bunny hugger oposition. Big Fin, take care and good hunting! MTG
Dear Kim,

So are all of the people committing these shooting sprees animal rights people? Because apparently animal rights folks don't like people.

Thanks, The Kind Folks at OYOA
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Kim, don't worry. I'm using the wolf I killed. Attached is a picture of me in my new wolf hide brief cloth. Thank you for the warning. I'll make sure to take my brief cloth off before hunting as to not confuse a fellow bowhunter.
Dearest Kim,

As I took one last look down, then hit the flush button, I was reminded of you and your note.

I have several suggestions:

1), There are several natural foods and juices to relieve the blockage in your colon. I recommend apple juice to metamucil as it has some nutritional benefits as well as loosening of your stools. Your blockage might be as simple as removing your head.

2). Midol Extended relief, it works wonders for that bloating and irritable feeling.

3). Please refill your prescription of Prozac and follow the directions.

4). Get laid! If your as ugly as you sound, there's still hope. Even ugly bitches can find a little loving if done at closing time at the local bar. If that's not possible, then electronics and lube.

5). Have a sex change operation: You won't have to act like "one", if it's not there anymore.

6). Clean your underwear. Fresh britches can change your outlook on life. That red chaffing problem might clear up.

7). Eat some meat,( I mean beef or venison sicko). The body can't function on tofu alone.

I mean this sincerely

Randy Newberg
To the attention of President, Earth, Sea & Sky Vacations,

Please review the following threatening communication I received from what appears to be a person using your email messaging server. I have also attached the diagnostics that indicate this threatening note, originated from within your company.

Please call me ASAP to discuss this situation and a suitable resolution to ensure it will not be be repeated.

Pretty much the exact email I sent earlier today. Guess we will see if anyone looks into it.
You could keep it simple.


I love you too.

Dear Kim,
Do you remember the death scene in Monty Python's Meaning of Life? Could we do that instead?
Dear Ms Thomas,

A wolf has few friends. A wolf kills on both instinct and hunger and a wolf will never truly understand the complexities of managing game herds. Just like you will never understand the ways of a hunter and the path he travels in the wilderness. In all hunters there is fire that burns deep inside that i can assure you will burn longer and stronger then any anti hunting group.

Hope you have a howling good time in your endeavours to find future employment.

Randy N
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I always get fired up about stuff like this, but I agree no response is the best response. At some point, you have a reputation as a show host and that takes precedence over ignorance and vulgarity. I don't think there's any explanation or wording for the letter that will make her understand what it is we all do and just how righteous a sport it is.

She sucks!
I always get fired up about stuff like this, but I agree no response is the best response. At some point, you have a reputation as a show host and that takes precedence over ignorance and vulgarity. I don't think there's any explanation or wording for the letter that will make her understand what it is we all do and just how righteous a sport it is.

She sucks!

Yeah, but it isn't near as much fun.
Dear Ms. Thomas,

It is clear by your juvenile response and your mastery of the English language that a response with pictures may be more your speed. Here is why I hunt, and will continue to hunt, wolves...







Dear Ms. Thomas,

I've thought very hard about the best way to reply to your very upsetting e-mail. After considering a number of options, I've decided to respond as follows: Bite me, yatcher! :D
Dear Ms. Thomas,

Would your mom be proud of your note to me? Do you think that writing in that manner will have the desired affect?

Please seek the mental health help that you obvioiusly need.
I agree! DDD wins! Nothing more insulting (in a polite way) than a form letter which makes it appear as no one has even paid attention to her e-mail.

Trips D gets the chicken dinner. Brief addenda attached.

*Enclosed is a DVD of our upcoming baby seal primitive weapon episode.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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