Day time food or snacks, backpack hunt?


Oct 12, 2010
Harris MN
Would like to know what is the best day time snack to pack in on a backpack hunt, I was thinking Jerky, trail mix, granola. We have high mountains for meals, but our day time meals are on are own to bring. I have seen were guys made bacon, honey, and peanutbutter sandwiches, high protein and pretty light.

Guess this is a good place to post for my first time on this forum...

I personally love peanut butter and honey with crisp bacon, do yourself a favor though, don't use bread, either use bagels, which I'm not fond of, or tortillas, (my personal favorite).

I actually prepare them prior to my hunt and vac seal them individually, for my mid-day snack. Lots of protein and energy, light weight, and no preparation.

Hope this helps,
Best tasting granola bars on earth... Mrs. May trio bars, can't find anything better!
My personal favorite is a PB&J., bite size snickers and some jerky. Followed up with Copenhagen
I like the nut clusters from Costco, trail mix, crackers and string cheese, Goldfish crackers, Cliff Bars, and PB & J bagels.
I don't go backpacking anywhere with out a few "power pills"....Atomic Fireball Candies!

I also like the fun size Snickers as snacks while out and about. Sandwiches for lunch are generally some variation of PB and a container to hold it.
Lol. I haven't had that happen yet, but then again I just keep the balls in my cheek. ;) They are almost as handy for a packout as water bottles left on the trail... :D
I try to keep it pretty simple.

Nutella on whole wheat tortillas, dried fruit, and Jolly Ranchers. Sometimes Swedish fish, if I'm feeling frisky.
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Sounds like I'm on the right track, just planning on staying in the woods for a few days before I need to come back and restock up with more food, tends to get bulky.
Snacks : mini snickers go in my pack for snackin' with an apple.
A sammy is main course. Shelled pistachios are a side dish.
........sort of surprised we haven't seen a picture of dinkshooter's "little friends" yet........

My favorite candy bar is Big Hunk, or if not available Bit-o-Honey as neither on is affected by high heat. A bagel, apple and package of tuna usually goes with me when I'm out for the day.
snack / lunch - those flavored tuna packages. They are thin, don't take up room and can be eaten right from the pouch - I have a ziplock I store the empty in afterwards.Pre cooked, no need to heat less - meh, if you want to...

That is prob my favorite snack and protien rich as heck!
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