Cow Elk

Bob Vetter

Jul 25, 2010
A friend and myself are doing our first DIY elk hunt this fall. We have a standing rule of "If you would should it on the last day, then shoot it on the first day".

Its worked for us in the past. We've talked about it several times and I think this time we may hold out a bit until we are sure we haven't located any legal bulls. We are 100% not trophy hunting, so what ever is legal I think that's our primary goal. My question is this. How many cows do you pass before we drop the hammer? We will also have a few other tags to fill if necessary, so that could also be an option.

I'd like to hear opinions on filling your tags with cow elk if they are in front of you say by day 3 on a 5-7 day hunt?

Depends on how much sign you are seeing. Not much for animals then I would think hard about that day 3 cow. Meat or antlers which is more important.
It depends on what you are after. If you are not trophy hunting, save your money and just get cow permits. If you want antlers, then it depends on the quality potential of the area, I suppose.

I could not care less about antlers, so I would shoot the cow on the first day and enjoy the scenery after that!:cool:
It depends on what you are after. If you are not trophy hunting, save your money and just get cow permits. If you want antlers, then it depends on the quality potential of the area, I suppose.

I could not care less about antlers, so I would shoot the cow on the first day and enjoy the scenery after that!:cool:

SB, I'd shoot the cow, and enjoy the scenery while eating some cow elk tenderloin. It don't get any better.
IMG_1862.jpgIMG_1895.jpgMy brother and I had this same discussion while driving to MT last yr for archery elk. He said "mama wants some elk meat, so I am shooting the first elk that gets within range." He was also there when my wife instructed me to not get greedy by holding out for a bull. He listened to his wife, and I on the other hand did not listen to mine. He shot a calf on the first evening of our hunt and during the next 5 days, I passed on two different cows inside of 15 yds...yes, I was holding out for a bull that I could not outsmart.

I think it's important to have a general game plan together between you and your hunting partners as far as expectations and who wants to shoot what if givien the opportunity. It sure helps make decison process easier when things heat up. You will have plenty of time in the offseason to second guess your decision when you are cooking ramen noodles instead of elk steaks:)
I'm not an antler hunter. My very favorite hunt is late season cow elk on snow !! I have had a couple October hunts in Colorado where I had an either sex elk tag. I did not hesitate to pull the trigger on the first cow I saw. For me, every elk is a trophy. They are a fascinating animal !!!
for the most part we all have different circumstances. myself, being an out of state hunter; unless I am into a lot of sign, seeing animals, and not much pressure from other hunters (not likely), I am dropping the hammer on that cow and taking some meat home to mama.
As a NR hunter, with the price of tags, travel, etc....I have no problem taking the first legal elk. I know what I prefer, and if I have an option between a bull and a cow, I would take the bull. BUT, if a cow presents the first, best, or most ethical shot. No question.

I would rather go home with an elk of either sex in the back of the pickup than an unfilled elk tag in my pocket. Don't get me wrong, it's not all about the kill for me, but it sure does help justify the cost and time off if I can fill the freezer
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