NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Coolers in grizzly territory


Aug 20, 2016
@ 7500' Colorado
So I'm heading to unit 12 Idaho next week and I'm trying to strike a balance between following proto call and being paranoid about grizzly bears. Here in Colorado I make sure no food or toothpaste in the tent and unless I know I'm in a bear rich area I don't hang food.

Heading to grizz world has me rethinking some things. One is coolers. I have 2 big yeti time coolers I'm bringing one for food and one just with ice for with any luck my first bear. My question is I know you're supposed to hang food but these things are so heavy. Do you guys hang these? I have a campershell on my truck, should I leave them in there out of sight? Or is a bear still going to wind them and destroy my truck getting at It? Chain to a tree and not worry about it?
Also Do folks really keep extra clothes to eat in then take them off?
Check with the local ranger district, but Yeti coolers are approved as a bear resistant storage method provided they have a lock/pin of some sort to secure the lid. I'd keep them in the truck so the don't get stolen.

No, I don't cook in separate clothes.
Thanks for the input. I'd be happy it I spend my 2 weeks there and don't see one grizzly till the drive back. Hahaha
The secretary is from Missoula and she has a few good grizz stories. The best is from so guy getting mauled while she was on a family picnic around fort peck.

I think I'll leave them in the truck or padlocked shut and to a tree.
She was at ft peck or fort something, peck is in my head, with the family and a poor guy came stumbling out of the woods half chewed up. At least that's the story. She said she was a kid when it happened so 20 some yrs ago my guess. I don't even know where fort peck is. Off to Google it.
I have ZERO experience with bears of any kind.
That being said I'm wondering how many of you guys that hunt in grizzly country have ever had a bear get into your coolers? I mean actual, personal experience not "my buddy" or "my neighbors friend" or "someone I work with."
Just wondering how common it is.
I'd worry more about thieves stealing the coolers than bears getting them, if you do store them inside your locked truck cap. Thieves just cut the lock tabs on the corners with a rechargeable sawzall or bolt cutters these days. The same with chained generators.
I have ZERO experience with bears of any kind.
That being said I'm wondering how many of you guys that hunt in grizzly country have ever had a bear get into your coolers? I mean actual, personal experience not "my buddy" or "my neighbors friend" or "someone I work with."
Just wondering how common it is.

I had one try to drag off an elk head.
Caribou Gear

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