NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Colorado Success


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2009
South East Colorado
So I went out this morning in the rain and didn't see anything. I came home for some lunch and ended up getting paged out for an ambulance run. I got back out around 3 and the sun was just starting to peek out and the temperature was only about 70. There was antelope everywhere on their feet on both private and public land. I found this buck with a couple of does in a pretty heavy sage area, so my fat ass went all stealth mode and put a stalk on him. I got within 40 yards and one of his does spotted me and they trotted away. Luckily all they did was circle around a forest service water tank and into a position they couldn't see me. His head was just over the brush and I was able to range him at 63 yards. So, I drew my bow...

Let an arrow fly as he stepped out, slightly quartering away from me. Because I shoot a Mathews, I got this....

He circled about 40 yards and piled up. My Shuttle T's tore him up. So, I got up to him and checked him out...

He's not the biggest buck on the prairie, but I'm proud of him. I'm not necessarily a trophy hunter, but, to me, any animal with a bow is a trophy...
You are right, John - any animal with a bow is a trophy and knowing how much time you put in chasing antelope with a bow, you should be very proud of that one. Congrats.
He's not the biggest buck on the prairie, but I'm proud of him. I'm not necessarily a trophy hunter, but, to me, any animal with a Mathews is a trophy...all others are NOT

Fixed that for you John. Congrats on the goat, you'd need waders to hunt goats up north here this week!
You had me right up to "because I shoot a Mathews".......

Nice buck none-the-less. Congrats on your bow kill. I agree, any bow kill is a trophy. I have two bucks hanging on my wall as well as a couple euros but by far my favorite experience has been shooting a doe with my bow on unfamiliar public land and carrying her on my shoulders 1 1/2 miles back to the truck.

Hope to one day shoot an antelope with my bow!!
Ron Jeremy,

Congrats on getting your antelope. Stating an animal is more of a trophy because of weapon was used is what i call a "humblebrag" statement. Thats awesome you got a goat but weapon of choice doesn't make it any different as its still the same animal and your changing your focus to yourself. Hunting is about the animal and not about your badassery so don't pump your self up by explaining it to be better because you got him with a bow because some may consider him to be "small".

He is an amazing animal no matter what size he is, the weapon will never make him any bigger nor better.

Nice goat.
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